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Just… Fangs.

He knew my fear. Vampires didn’t hold a great deal of magic, but the wards in this house would have stopped any vampire from getting inside. Though, probably not true because they got into the university home.

I would find out soon enough.

Maybe my fear of vampires had made me think of something that wasn’t there. But Ryan pouncing on me like that. He was lucky he still had a head on his neck.

I smiled. He was excited, I expect, binding, when he had wanted it for so long. I suppose I should make amends with him, but I also wanted to see Seb and Kane but mainly Aria. She would need a feed soon.

But I definitely needed to have a chat with him once he had calmed down.

After washing my hair and body in the quickest time I’d ever managed, I grabbed the towel and buffed my body dry. I wrapped the towel around my head to take away the excess of water that dripped from my hair and, after brushing my teeth, I strolled into my walk-in robe and took a comfy pair of yoga pants and a loose top.

Taking my hairbrush from the dressing table. I brushed my hair and left my bedroom and strolled across the hallway to his bedroom. Glad he hadn’t locked the door because he normally did. He was still sound asleep on his stomach.

I couldn’t wake him to only say good morning. But I walked to his bed, leaned over, and planted a kiss on his shoulder. Then I quietly crept away from him and left his room to leave him sleep peacefully.

“See you soon,” I whispered, but he didn’t wake, still worn out from the bind. Deciding to leave him to sleep it off some more, I beamed as I thought of having my daughter in my arms.

I almost skipped down the stairs and was surprised I didn’t fall. I was desperate to see her. Also hyped up because I was that little closer to making this life forever.

The bedroom suite was on the ground floor and Aria and all her things had now taken it over. I edged open the door to not wake her.

Kane stirred from his sleep and gave me a massive smile. “Everything went okay?”

I nodded and gave him a smile back.

Kane knew what it meant. Yes, I had another knight bind, that part he wasn’t so keen on, but it pleased him we were getting closer to fighting the dark king. Kane was like me, wanted it over, wanted us to have a little family. Live a normal life.

“She is still sleeping,” Kane said. He looked as surprised as I was. “She slept all the way through.”

“Lovely, she saves her sleeping for you,” I said and kissed Kane on the lips and walked to her crib. Stroking her chubby pink cheeks.

And that’s when it grabbed me, my fear for her. She’d one day be like me, fighting the dark king, or was it always going to be me? He said we were fated, not Aria. How would everything affect her? Were those before me not fighting the same war?

Clay said I needed an heir to provide light magic against the dark magic, but now I knew it was for my salvation. But if I was successful and killed the dark king, I could only hope light would fill the world.

I sat on the bed next to Kane. He pulled me close and held me tight. Sometimes this man was incredible. He seemed to know when my thoughts were verging on the dark side.

“Is everything okay?”

I nodded. “Yes, no problems. It seems the barrier worked. I had none of the dramas I had with Carter.”

“Only Blake and Jack left to bind,” he said. But I knew Kane didn’t want me to bind with his brother, but he seemed fine with Blake. “Who is next?”

“Blake,” I said.

Kane curled his lips up and nodded.

“I need to talk to him about it. Make sure it’s still what he wants,” I said.

“Blake wants it, don’t worry about that.” Kane smiled as I hugged him. “Did Ryan take the full bind?” he asked.

Kane didn’t want Ryan to take the full bind, but neither did I. Though our reasons were different. Kane thought Ryan wasn’t one of my fated mates and that binding wouldn’t be a good thing, considering the dark king and what he was like. Deep down, I think it scared him that Ryan would be a new fated mate, which made me wonder if Kane knew more than he let on about things.

“He tried,” I said and started recalling what happened, without the sexy bits. “He wanted to take the full bind and wouldn’t stop staring, and when I closed my eyes, he bit me.”

“The bastard bit you, why the...” He looked at the crib with our daughter sleeping peacefully. “I’ll be having words with Ryan later.”
