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Was it the dark king or was it Ryan? Ryan’s magic allowed him to make himself invisible. Had he come to me to let me know he was still around?

I worried my bottom lip with my teeth as I glanced around.

The celebrant said some last lovely words about Ryan, and Kane came and wrapped his arm around my shoulders and pulled me to him. I rested my head on his arm.

Seb laced my hand within his, raising it to his mouth and placing a gentle kiss. I gave him a smile, though I wasn’t sure it looked like a smile.

“Let’s go,” Kane said.

“I need to speak to Ryan’s mum,” I said. “I’ll be quick.”

Kane and Seb waited as I walked the short distance to the other side of the casket.

“I’m really sorry,” I said as Ryan’s mum turned to me. It was as though she expected the meeting and was expecting me there.

“Come,” she said and took my arm, and we walked to a quiet spot away from the other congregation. “Ryan really loved you and for that I will be grateful he had love in his life. I’m glad you made him happy.”

“But I’m so sorry they vanished him before I could bring him back.” My voice sounded weak and whiny and I didn’t think I’d ever heard it sound like that before.

“Vanished,” she stated, and I could tell by the way she shook her head I was mistaken. “His father and I didn’t want him vanished. There would never be a chance at resurrection if we vanished him.”

“Oh, I thought...” I said, but her hand raised. She shook her head.

I glanced around at the rest of her family and friends. Some of which I knew nothing of. “Can you point out Ryan’s father?”

Her eyes widened as she shook her head. “He couldn’t make it today,” she said. “He was caught up overseas.”

I nodded but didn’t buy it. Unless there was an airline strike, how could he not be at his son’s funeral? “I’m still sorry. I loved him and I tried to save him, but he was already too far gone.”

“Don’t be sorry. He died for a reason. One day, we will all find out that reason. So please don’t be sad and don’t stop living. He wouldn’t want that. He loved how you allowed him to be himself.”

I blinked my eyes, surprised his mother knew what he was like.

Chapter 32


“Youcandothis,Lacey,” I said. My hands were holding the sink as I stared at my tear stained reflection in the mirror. I’d been alone in the cafe bathroom thinking of Ryan.

I’d said my goodbyes to Ryan only ten days before. The pain of losing him still hadn’t sunk in, but I still had my existence to be concerned about. So I came back to the university after a short time off. I needed to study and get back on track.

I glanced a quick look at my watch. Only a couple of minutes to clean up before I was meeting Zena for lunch, and Zena always knew how to pull me out of my slump. I loved listening to her talk fondly of Ryan over the last few days. She knew what I needed to hear and her speaking so fondly of him made my heart skip a beat.

I opened the tap and splashed cold water over my blotchy face. Staring at myself in the mirror each time to check if I was looking a little less weepy.

After a few more splashes, I grabbed my backpack and strolled down the stairs.

Zena pulled me to her the moment I walked into the coffee shop. I melted into her warm embrace and the tears I thought I stopped fell again without warning with the love she gave.

“You need a Zena hug,” she said into my head. Her arms wrapped around my shoulders, her warmness emitted a sob from deep in my throat. “I know how you felt about him.”

I sucked back another sob that threatened to burst open the dam of tears storing behind my eyes.

“I’ve got you a coffee,” she said. “But in half an hour, we are going for a run.”

“What? Why?”

“You need to go for a run, get some fresh air and burn off some energy,” Zena said. “It will revive you.”
