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“Little?” I motioned to Kira. “I’d say it was huge.” Though she hadn’t woken up yet, at least she was still alive. For now.

“Wasn’t referring to her.” He gave a smirk, a lift of his chin, and walked off toward the bikes.

Brow furrowed, I watched him go. It wasn’t long before Angel made his way back to the vehicle. He had his arms full of a giant drink, a bag of licorice, one of those long beef sticks, some chips, and a banana.

“Goddamn, bro. Hungry much?” My eyes bugged at all the junk food he carried.

“I needed to build my strength back up.” He lifted a shoulder and popped a piece of licorice in his mouth. As he chewed, I shot him a look that clearly statedWhat the actual fuck?and shook my head in amazement.

“What was Ghost talking about when he said you did me a little favor?”

He pursed his lips, looked off to the side, and took a long pull from his drink.

“Angel,” I said in warning. He darted his gaze back to me, then bit his lip as he juggled his shit and put it in the SUV.

“I may have done enough to keep that dick-gargling fucklord alive for you for a bit,” he said in a low voice.

“What the fuck did you just say?”

“Dick-gargling fucklord. I saw it on my social media the other day.” Shrugging, he peeked in at Kira. He checked her pulse and sighed.

Despite the seriousness of our situation, I laughed. “You’re not all there. You know that, right?”

He shot me a huge smile and wiggled his brows. “I know, right?”

“Thanks, bro. For everything.” I experienced a moment of humble emotion. He grinned and climbed in the driver seat. Twisting slightly in his seat, he trailed his fingertips over Kira’s forehead.

“I’m worried,” I said as I held her hand.

“Let’s get on the road.” His answer wasn’t reassuring in the least. If I was honest with myself, I was terrified to let go of her in case the next time we stopped she was gone. Reluctantly, I kissed her head, then the back of her hand.

We got back on the road, and my mind was a mess. So much so, I was glad I’d been with my brothers, because I didn’t remember the last of the miles passing. I’d have rather taken her home, but I knew why we went directly to the clubhouse.

“Get her in the infirmary.” The gruff voice of Doc shocked me. I hadn’t expected him to be there.

Sensing my surprise, Angel squeezed my shoulder, and I carried Kira’s limp body to the room in the back we’d designated as an infirmary. My steps stuttered as I stepped through and saw it set up like the best of hospital rooms, complete with infusion setup.

“I called ahead,” Angel said with a small smile. My heart ached at his foresight, and I’d never been more thankful for him. Last I heard, Doc had all but moved down by the border to Missouri to be closer to his grandkids.

“Thanks, Doc.” I fought choking up. He had very similar abilities to Angel, but he’d actually been a doctor in the army, and then an ER doctor before he’d completely retired.

Once I had her situated, he wasted no time in getting IV access established and pulled blood products from the cooler. “How the fuck did you know her blood type?”

Angel gave me a smug grin. Facet stepped into the doorway and cleared his throat. “Well, before we left Chicago, Angel asked me to hack into her medical records to find out her blood type.”

“We could’ve went with an O negative, but since we were able to get access, I was able to hook her up with her specific blood type. Which was good, because O negative isn’t always easy to get ahold of on the sly,” Doc explained as he got everything running, took vitals, and watched everything that was happening. His hands may have been weathered and aged, but he moved confidently.

Angel assisted him as needed and gently moved me out of the way to sit up by Kira’s head.

“We don’t know exactly how much blood she lost or how much she needs, so I’m going to have to see if between Angel and I, we can sense when we’re good. Then we wait,” he finished as he looked up at me.

“Thank you. Both of you.”

“Voodoo. Prez wants to see you for a second,” Raptor said from out in the hall.

Sensing my hesitation, Angel and Doc both motioned for me to go. Raptor rested a hand on my shoulder. “She’s in good hands, brother. It won’t take long.”

Rushing so I could get back, I stepped into Venom’s office. He was finishing up on the phone and looked at me as he hung up. “That was Ghost. He, Squirrel, and Blade have our guests situated. Thought you might like to know something Squirrel got out of the son.”
