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Blinking, I found myself speechless. Then the chuckle gurgled in my throat, and I busted out laughing.

“Holy shit,” I whispered with an incredulous grin.

She wrinkled her nose up in an adorable fashion. “Guess you had a lot of time to make up for?” Still uncertain, she shrugged. With a choked chuckle, I reached over to hook her neck and slam my lips to hers until I couldn’t breathe anymore.

“I fucking love you,” I whispered against her kiss-swollen lips.

“I love you too,” she said with a relieved tip of her mouth.

“No more, though.”

She waggled her brows, and my eyes narrowed.

“Kidding!” she said. “Three is enough!”

Though I’d been completely bowled over by her birthday announcement, I’d be a liar if I said I didn’t secretly flex a bit at my manly potency.

Old man, my ass, I thought with a slight puff to my chest.

“Super sperm,” I said with a smug grin as she laughed her ass off.

“Oh, Lord help us,” she said as she chortled the rest of the way to the clubhouse.

The End
