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“Where the fuck is everyone? Unless they have another exit that we can’t see, there should be someone here,” I murmured as my gaze clocked every detail of the compound.

“It’s eerie as fuck,” Angel softly murmured.

There was a snap in the brush behind me, and I had my pistol out and aimed as Ghost appeared with his hands up and a cocky grin. “Easy, bro.”

I softly snorted. “You’re slipping. I heard you. Now what did you find out?”

His grinned disappeared immediately. “See that big building in the center?” he asked as he pointed.

We all nodded.

“All the smaller buildings have windows; those are houses. I don’t know why, but everyone is inside. That biggest one in the center has none, and there are cameras all around it. If I had to guess, they’re in there. Problem is, we have no idea how many or what we’re up against.”

I raked my fingers through my hair. “Now what?” I asked Angel. Personally, I wasn’t against storming the place, but my logical side told me that was stupid as fuck, because we wouldn’t stand a chance in hell, and I could get my family harmed.

“Ghost, do you think you can get inside?” Angel asked.

“Undetected? No clue—but I can try. Didn’t want to risk it until I told you guys what was up.”

“Here’s Facet,” Angel said as he pulled out his phone.

A slow grin spread across his face, and his brown gaze lifted to mine. “We’re in. He’s got their shit running on a loop. As long as no one comes or goes for them to realize something is up, we’re golden. What’s the best approach?” he asked Ghost.

Ghost walked us through the layout and which route we could use get to the center structure with the least chance of being seen from the windows of the homes. Heart hammering, but minds focused, we moved according to plan while Angel waited in the trees. We all had spent time in the military and it showed. Well, except Ghost, but he had his own skills that made him a badass without formal military training.

When we were close, Ghost disappeared and opened the door a crack. Then it slowly opened enough for a man to slip through. He was gone briefly before he reappeared and waved us in. Fucking spooky as shit.

Again, I cursed that I couldn’t touch anything to see if Jasmine and Ehria were okay, but the benefits had outweighed the risks at the time. None of us anticipated she would go missing again. The thing was, if I had it to do over, I didn’t think I would’ve changed it. The ability to touch my woman and my child without gloves like a normal man was something I never thought I’d be able to do.

Now I had to get them back.

