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Iwas blown away. Never, in all my years, did I think sex would be like that. My mother had been adamant about the supposed prophecy and maintaining my purity, but I thought it was bullshit. That was the main reason I’d told Niara that I wanted to have a one-night stand when he’d sat down by us at the bar. If the crazy-ass people who were after me found out that I wasn’t a virgin anymore, maybe it would make them leave my mother and me alone.

“Do you wanna talk about what just happened?” he asked, his voice rumbling in his chest beneath my cheek.

Lifting my head, I propped my chin on my laced fingers. “What is there to talk about? We had sex. We’re both consenting adults. Why is it a big deal?”

“Because you were a virgin, Sloane. And your brother is my friend, and he’s my brother in the club.” His tone was exasperated, and he spoke with his eyes closed and his forearm resting over his forehead.

“Why would he need to know?” I questioned as I studied his beautiful features. It was crazy that a man could be so mesmerizingly gorgeous and yet so incredibly masculine and alluring at the same time. I wasn’t sure if it was a talent or a gift.

His eyes cracked open. “Because I’m not a liar.”

That made me internally cringe because I wasn’t a liar either, but I didn’t feel there was a need to tell Voodoo everything—I wasn’t a child. That wasn’t lying; it was simply omitting.

Unsure of how much to tell him, I dropped my gaze to his chest. With my fingertip, I traced the ink on his chest. It readO’Brienrunning down the center of his sternum.

“Is this your last name?” I asked.

“Yes,” he practically grunted. A quick glance showed he was likely drifting off.

“Phoenix O’Brien,” I murmured. I liked the way his name rolled off my tongue.

“Uh-uh. Keagan O’Brien.”

Holy shit. That was even sexier. Yet it was a little crazy that I’d given my V-card to a guy before I knew his name. Fuck it. Like I’d told him, I was a grown-ass woman and if I wanted to give up my virginity, that was my call.

“Why do they call you Phoenix?”

He sighed, but not in an irritated way, more like he was close to dropping into a deep slumber. “Shouldn’t really. Not rising from ash. Just going up in flames.”

My head cocked, trying to make sense of what he said, but there would be no more answers. A soft snore slipped from his perfectly kissable lips.

In less than forty-eight hours, I’d met the brother I hadn’t known about most of my life, had my store destroyed, been chased by what were probably crazy witches who were out for my blood, been rescued by a man I’d never seen before this day, and lost my virginity to that same man.

Part of me was guilty that I’d essentially shoved the curse—I mean, prophecy—off on my daughter, if I ever had one. That is if it was true. Also, that was if I had children. I’d gone on birth control the day I turned fifteen since my mom had been sixteen when she’d gotten pregnant with me. She’d told me of the prophecy since I was old enough to understand. She simply hadn’t told me all the details until I was older.

Turning my head back to press my cheek to his shoulder, I shamelessly used him as a pillow. As I drifted off, I started to dream crazy shit. Besides dreaming I was being ripped to shreds and then slammed back together, I dreamed a burning phoenix consumed me as soon as I was whole. There was no pain, but I surely went up in flames until there was nothing left of me but smoldering embers.

Kisses trailing down my stomach woke me. The candle had long burned out, and without a window in the room, I had no idea if it was morning or not. A strange awareness tingled across my skin.

Teeth scraped across my hip bones as rough hands traced down my sides and around to grab my ass. All of which were connected to the man who had left me with the delicious ache between my legs.

Oh Goddess…

Scratch that. The man was earning a motherfucking medal. The flat of his tongue licked me from slit to clit, causing my back to arch and my hips to rise off the bed. In the dark, every sensation seemed magnified.

“Holy shit!” I gasped as I grabbed the slightly coarse dreads. They were the perfect handle—or steering wheel if you prefer. Never in a million years would I have thought that would be hot on a guy. Turned out I was so very wrong.

While I may never have had full intercourse, I had engaged in plenty of other things with boyfriends along the way. However, no man had possessed such an incredibly talented tongue.

Ohhhh… and let’s not forget the fingers that pinched my peaked nipples.

When I moaned, he stopped and asked, “Is that good, or do you want me to stop?”

Whimpers were my answer, hating that he’d stopped. That was the last thing I wanted. With his hair wrapped around my fingers, I pulled him back to my aching core, and he chuckled against my sensitive flesh.

“I’ve got you,” he murmured before he resumed, earning him a satisfied sigh that came directly from my soul.
