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“Right now, missy.”


The door creaked open and slammed shut. Then Mom was at the stall door again. “Okay, pix. It’s just you and me, and I locked the door. Come on, open up.”

Leaning forward, Kelsey slid the bolt, and the door swung open.

Not caring that they were in a public restroom, and that Kelsey was still sitting on the toilet, Mom dived to her knees in front her and clasped Kelsey’s face in her hands.

She was crying, too. “My sweet girl. I promise it’s okay.”

“What if he doesn’t want a baby?” Kelsey wailed, and realized the scariest thing of all—that this would end what had only just begun, this good, beautiful thing that had only just landed in her arms.

Mom wrapped her arms around her and held her. “You’ll make the right choice for you. You’re smart and good, and you’ll do what’s right, whatever that is. Everything is going to be okay.”

But what did okaylooklike? Was it her and Dex making a family? Was it her and a baby on their own? Was it her and Dex together, calling the dogs their children?What?

Kelsey put her head on her mother’s shoulder and sobbed.
