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When it was over, Kelsey was stunned.

Dex lay on her, the full weight of his body pressing her into the mattress, immobilizing her, and she was reminded of the mountain of winter coats in Grammo’s spare bedroom, how she’d loved to crawl under them all and be calm, and quiet, and still. Comforted.

She put her hands on Dex’s head and held him close.

Eventually, he lifted his head and gazed down at her.

The room was still almost entirely dark, but enough light came through the closed curtains that she could see the gleam of his eyes. She smiled and played her fingers through his beard. It obscured his dimples, yes, but this beard was a marvel. Soft and full. It looked good on him, and it feltamazingon her.

Perhaps surprisingly, considering the men who made up her family, Kelsey had never before been with a bearded man. She’d hugged many, gotten affectionate cheek-kisses from quite a few. Nothing that had prepared her for the marvel of sex with a bearded man.

“Was that too much?” he asked, softly. “Too intense?”

“Not at all. That was wonderful.”

“Kelsey, I—” he cut off abruptly.


“Nothing. Sorry.” He lowered his head and set his lips at the side of her mouth. The lightest of kisses. “Would you like to sleep more?”

She had no idea of the time, but it was still totally dark, so there were at least a few hours remaining of the night. “I would, yes.”

He slipped from her and rolled, bringing her with him so they settled together on their sides, facing each other.

Floating on a cloud of perfect contentment, Kelsey snuggled into the shelter he’d made of his body, surrounded by his arms and chest, and let herself relax into sleep.


Kelsey woke, sore and sated, into a room bright with sunlight. She lay on her back; Dex slept at her side, on his belly, one arm stretched possessively over her.

For a moment, she kept still and basked in the snug peace, reliving the events, the sensations, the emotions of the night just past.

Christmas night. Maybe she and Dex would come to call Christmas their anniversary.

She hoped so.

Now, though, she had to pee, and his heavy arm across her belly was doing nothing to ease that particular situation. He was deeply asleep, and seemed peacefully so; hoping he could stay that way, she worked her way carefully from under his arm, drawing her pillow down so it could take her place.

When she stood beside the bed, he lay exactly as he’d been, undisturbed. Phew. Kelsey got a clean pair of gym shorts from a drawer, slipped the long cardigan she used as a robe on, and padded quietly to her bathroom, to pee and do a little morning-after preening.

He was still asleep and hadn’t moved when she came back out of the bathroom, so she left him as he was and left the room. Coffee next. Maybe breakfast, too. She was generally a cup-of-yogurt kind of breakfast eater, holiday feasts aside, but this morning warranted more than that.

On the way to the kitchen, she got her phone from her bag. Rarely did she go so long without it in her hand, or at least near at hand. It was her alarm clock, so she usually kept it on the nightstand, charging, while she slept.

But last night wasn’t a usual night. Checking it now, she saw she was under twenty-percent battery and had four texts and two voice mails. She started with the texts: the first was her mom, last night, just checking in, and then, this morning, asking when Kelsey was coming for Mr. D and if she should feed him. Mr. Darcy hated to be in the car and usually got car sick, so Kelsey didn’t feed him if she knew he’d be riding before he could digest it.

She wasn’t yet sure when she’d be over to get him. The clinic was closed for the whole weekend, so she was off, but her plans were in flux until she could talk to Dex. So she sent back,Everything’s good here.I’ll let you know asap about Mr. D. xo

The next was Hannah, and it read simplyBow chicka bow wow. Real classy, kiddo. Kelsey flipped past it.

Maisie textedMerry Christmas. Thanks for being patient with me. I hope your day was awesome. Love you.Kelsey returned that one right away with a heart balloon gif and the noteInfinite patience for you. I hope you had some peace yesterday. Love you.

Finally, a text from her dad.If you need me, you tell me. I love you.

He got a heart balloon, too, andI know, Daddy. I love you, too.

Her familial and friend duties thus dispatched, Kelsey set her phone on the bar counter and began exploring the kitchen for good hot breakfast ideas.
