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Clumsily, trying and failing to be gentle with her clothes, he shoved her panties down and then pawed at the clasp of her bra until it came loose. With the same inept frenzy, she tugged at his underwear until he yanked it down himself. As soon as he was free, he pushed into her.

The pleasure was so fast and intense it threatened to tear him in half, and he groaned and froze, trying to find his breath. Beneath him, Kelsey gasped and writhed.

But when he began to thrust, she set her hand on his chest. “Wait, Dex!”


“Condom. We already skipped one once.”

Fuck. It had not evenoccurredto him. He was usually obsessively conscientious about that; he never wanted to have children. Not because he didn’t like them or wouldn’t have wanted to be a father, but he meant to be the end of the line for Denson family crazy.

Also: what? “What? We did?” He pulled out of her.

She groaned and rocked in reaction. Then she focused again and said, “Yeah. The other morning. I didn’t think of it until later. My period just ended right before Christmas Eve, so it’s fine, but I don’t think it’s a good idea to place another bet, you know?”

“You’re right.” And they probably needed to talk about kids at some point, but not now. Dex stretched to reach the nightstand where he kept a box of condoms, found a loose one, and brought it back.

Unwilling to separate from her enough to rise onto his knees to put it on, he shifted to her side. As he tore the packet open, she took it from him and removed the condom. She tossed the wrapper away.

Then, her eyes locked with his, Kelsey took the condom under the covers, found his cock, and began sliding the latex over it. Dex hissed as the cool lube touched his enflamed tip.

It wasn’t the first time a woman had put a condom on him, but this was different. Because the way he felt about Kelsey was different. She was his sweet, perfect girl. His secret crush. The first woman he’d ever felt love for.

Her soft, warm hands on his most sensitive flesh. Her sparkling, beautiful eyes, showing trust, and sweetness, and a pert confidence he adored—and a smoldering desire as well. Desire for him.

“Fuck, Kelse. I don’t even know how to say what you do me.”

“I just want to make you feel good.”

“You do.” He rolled her to her back again. Her hands were still on him, and she guided him back where he belonged.

“I want to make you happy.”

“You do,” he said and pushed back in.

She cried out and flexed her hips, driving him even deeper at once; Dex grunted and gnashed through the blast of pleasure so intense it hurt. When he opened his eyes again, the sight of Kelsey beneath him, twisted and flung in a position of intense desire, perfect bliss, utter surrender, nearly pushed his mind straight off a cliff. With his each thrust, her acceptance was complete, her bliss encompassing, her need for him wild. As wild as his need for her?

He wanted everything this woman would give him. He wanted more than that, everything he could take. No, heneededit. She was the key to everything his life was missing. She was gentleness to soften his rough edges, steadiness to weather his storms, patience to temper his frenzy. He needed her. All of her. Needed to take her into himself, to rip his chest open and bury her in his heart, to surround her, todevourher, to—


He went still, dropped his head to her shoulder, tried to drag his mind back to someplace normal.

Her arms came around his head; her fingers combed through his hair. “Dex?”

The rapid tempo of her breath made her body a cradle rocking him.

“Sorry,” he murmured against the soft swell of her breast. “Need a minute.”

“What’s wrong?”

He absolutely could not tell her the crazy shit his brain had been tossing around. He shook his head.

“Are you afraid you’re going over?”

He’d never thought of it like that before, but it was a good way to describe what happened when he lost time.

But that wasn’t what was going on now. “No, I’m okay.” He lifted his head and met her eyes. “That really doesn’t happen that often. I promise.”
