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Kai handed back the binoculars. “You think these guys are stupid enough to steal from you and the fucking Russians without a plan for when you come for them?”

Zach shook his head as he returned the binocs to his pack. “No, they’re prepared. Or they think they are, at least.”

“How far are we taking this? What’s the end result?”

“End result is we have the cargo and get it where it’s supposed to go. The rest of it depends on what the Dragons do.”

“Showdown at the Twin Falls Garage.”

“Probably, yeah. You okay with that?”

Kai gave him a steely look. The sodium arc light drew stark shadows across this face. “If I wasn’t I’d’ve told Lonnie I wasn’t interested in the club. I’m not afraid of blood.”




“You better be right, kid,” Cooper muttered as he stared through his night-vision binocs.

It had taken Zach some persuading, projecting a confidence and certainty that had admittedly wavered under Cooper’s skepticism. But he was sure he was right, so he held fast to his resolve and made his case. None of the evidence was conclusive, but it all was strong enough for his gut. The cargo was in that garage. Maybe it was still in the Dragons’ van, which would make things immeasurably easier, if they could just hotwire that thing and go.

Talking to Apollo had been easier—the Tulsa tech officer had given them several possible numbers to try—and also some insight on how they might dismantle the lock if they needed to. That would take time, though, and once that camera was dead, they’d be on a stopwatch.

“I’m right, Coop. I know.”

“Nothing else seems more likely,” Caleb reminded Cooper. “The Dragons are at the bar, and every other place was dark and empty. I’d’ve made the same call.”

Cooper sighed. “Okay. Here’s the plan: Zach, you’re probably the best shot here, far as I know, so you get your AK together and take out the camera. Somebody else needs to shoot out that streetlight, too.

“I got it,” Gargoyle said. “You got a suppressor for the AK, Zach?”

“Yeah, I do.”

“We should use ‘em—just for those shots, so they don’t carry. Quiet won’t matter if we need to shoot anything else.”

Zach agreed, so he nodded.

Cooper picked up his instructions again. “Once we’re dark and undercover, we haul ass over there, and Kai, you work that lock. How long you think you’ll need?”

Kai looked up from the numbers he was studying on his burner. “I got about five real good possibilities to try. If I have to try all five, about a minute, maybe two. If none of those work, the lock will probably block me from more attempts. Then I’m gonna need about ten minutes to do this bypass thing your guy showed me.”

Cooper shook his head. “Ten minutes is too long to be standing around with our thumbs up our asses. The bar they’re at’s like five miles away.”

Kai shrugged. “It takes how long it takes, bruh.”

“Fuck,” Cooper grunted. “Whatever. If they come up on us before we’re in, we just deal with them first. So everybody be ready to draw. Any questions?”

“Yeah,” Geno said. “What do we do when we get in there?”

“Depends on what we find. If the cargo’s still in their van, that’s best case, and we take the van. We get someplace clear, and I call Eight and confirm next steps from there. If the cargo’s unloaded, we leave it where it is, defend the site, deal with the Dragons, and then get hands on a van to pack it up. This is not best case, because it leaves our asses hanging out too long. But worst case is Zachary here fucked up and there’s no cargo in that garage. Then, my friends, we’re fucked, and we scramble.”

He took a deep breath, looked around the circle of men standing together in the dark. “If you haven’t been patched into the Bulls, this right now is the time to say you want in for sure, or you don’t. No judgment if you walk now. But if you move with us from here, then consider this your initiation into the Brazen Bulls MC. You’ll be one of us, loyal to us, as we’ll be loyal to you. We will be family. Brothers. That is not a commitment to make lightly, and it’s not a commitment you can walk back. You roll forward with us tonight, you’re saying you mean to ride with us the rest of your life. Ride or die, brothers, that’s what it’s all about. We will always have your back, and we’ll expect you to always have ours. On the flip, any act against the club or any patch, any word against us, is a betrayal of a family bond and will be answered as such.”

Zach was impressed. It was rare that Cooper was serious, even rarer that he was deep, but that speech had sunk all the way to the core.

Then Cooper stuck his hand in the center of their loose circle, as if they were a Little League team and he was beginning a hand stack. But not one man laughed, not one man balked. Caleb put his hand on Cooper’s. Then Zach. Then Gargo. Then Reed. Ben. Lonnie. Kai. And finally, Geno.
