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“I did. Sorry ‘bout that.”

“Will you tell me what happened?”

He smiled softly and turned his hand so he could cup her cheek. “As much as I can. But not here.”

“I know. I’m so glad you’re gonna be okay. I was so scared.”

“I’m sorry, babe.”

“Don’t apologize for getting hurt. But—” she hesitated, not sure she should bring any kind of possible doubt up right now, but it was so big in her head she couldn’t hold it back. “Is this what it’s like?”

He understood what she meant right away. “Sometimes. Most times, it’s boring as fuck, just a job and a pretty regular life, but sometimes, it’s the exact opposite.” Furrows cut into the skin between his brows. “Can you handle that?”

In the past day, she’d had lots of time to contemplate that question while immersed in the exact opposite of a ‘pretty regular life.’ So she nodded. Then she said, “I have to. Every man I love is a Bull.”

“Yeah, that happened on this trip, too. It wasn’t the way we usually do it, but we set the founding table of the Laughlin Bulls last night. Ben and Reed are in. You’re dad’s our vice president.”

“They’re not the only Bulls I love.” Neither of them had said it aloud yet, but Lyra had been feeling it since Zach had returned to Laughlin. Before that, probably, but she’d been sure since then.

Somebody had to take the risk and say it first, and he was lying in a hospital bed right now, so ... “I’m in love with you, Zach. I love you.”

For a few seconds, he only studied her, his blue eyes intense as ever and his hand warm on her cheek. Lyra held his hand and made herself stay calm as she waited.

She knew he loved her. He’d managed to make her feel loved from a thousand miles away. They’d spoken of a future together; he’d spoken of making her his old lady.

Her father had trained her well in the art of finding and feeling love without the words. Zach loved her, and she could be patient for the words.

But she didn’t have to be patient for long.

“I freaking love you, Lyra,” he said, sliding his hand to her nape and drawing her to her feet. “You areitfor me. My whole future would be worthless without you.”

Following the pull of his will, she leaned over the gurney and put her mouth on his. He sighed with relief, like she was medicine to make him strong.

Yes. This was her life now.


“Ican do that, youknow.”

Lyra looked up from Zach’s belly with a smile. “So you keep saying. But I like taking care of you. Furthermore, I don’t believe you.”

He laughed, which sent a stab through his gut sharp enough he couldn’t hold back a wince.

“And that’s why I don’t believe you. I see the way you have to roll out of this bed and talk yourself into standing up straight. So be good and let me finish.”
