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“I’m so sorry, honey.”

“Then Henry asked if I’d let them ... touch.”

Jesus Christ. Siena was going to kill those little shits, and their fucking parents who’d raised them.

“Oh, Gennie. Honey. Did—”

Geneva shook her head. Thank fucking GOD. It was all Siena could do not to dissolve into furious, heartbroken tears.

“I didn’t let them. It felt gross to think about it. They got kinda mad and everything got weird, and then I came home.”

“I wish you’d told me before.”

“I wanted to. I wanted to talk when I got home. But you were at work, and I wasn’t going to talk to Laurie about it. Then when you got home, I just didn’t want to think about it anymore. But I don’t think they’re my friends anymore.”

“Good. Because that was really shitty, what they tried to make you let them do.” She leaned close and lifted Geneva’s chin so she’d finally look at her. “But I am so proud of you, Geneva Joan Morgan. So fucking proud. You knew what was right and what was wrong, and you didn’t let them make you doubt yourself. That’s strength. That’s power.That’sself-determination.”

Her sweet blue eyes filled with tears. Geneva hardly ever cried; she didn’t like anyone to cry, especially herself. She didn’t cry now, either, but it was close.

Never in her life had Siena felt such violent rage. She honestly thought she could kill those boys right now.

“That’s what you meant about men you think you know, right?” Geneva asked.

“Yeah. You should be able to trust your friends, but ... I’m sorry, honey. I’m so sorry that happened.”

Then Siena recalled how Geneva had raised this horrific subject, and a new tumbler fell into place. Goddammit. “You hope you have the gene because you don’t want to have breasts.”

“Boys are obsessed with them. I don’t want them to be all they think about me.”

“Honey, I totally understand. But BRCA1 is acancermutation. If we find out you have it, you’ll decide how you want to handle things then, but don’twantit. You don’t need to wish cancer on yourself to change your body to be what you want it to be. If you still feel this way when you’re an adult, we can talk about it. Whether or not you have the gene. Okay?”

“Okay. Thanks for not getting upset. I’m sorry I was dumb with Cooper.”

“Not dumb. Just not cautious enough. And hey,” she added when she looked up and saw their new outlaw biker neighbor and his equally outlaw biker buddy pushing a cart full of Target bags toward the exit, “looks like he’s finished his shopping and the coast is clear. Let’s go buy you a crazy expensive calculator and some new clothes. And if you want, we’ll stop by the outlet mall and see if we can find Vans for cheap.” Siena didn’t care what kind of magic tricks she’d need to do to balance the books this month, her sister was going to get something she wanted out of this fucked-up day.

Geneva sagged sadly toward her. Siena leaned, too, and pulled her into her arms.

She so wanted to protect her, but the cards had been stacked against them before either one of them had even been born.


Cooper parked his Softailin front of the house that was the Nevada Bulls’ clubhouse. He dismounted and took his helmet off. Then he stood in place and looked around.

Nobody else was here. The place was eerily quiet, and he hated that.
