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“And I got you all sweaty before work,” Petra purred, slipping her hand under the sheet to wrap around his cock—which immediately started to fill out again.

She brushed her thumb over his tip, and his back arched as pleasure shot through him again.

“Damn, boy. You rebound fast.” She let him go and sat up. As he was about to beg, she grinned and tossed the sheet aside. “Come on. You need a shower, and I need to fuck you again. Let’s kill two birds.”

“Wait.” He caught her wrist. “I don’t want to use a condom in the shower. Let’s fuck here.”

“I’ve got an IUD. Do you get tested?”

“I do. Regularly. My mom’s a nurse, so I got all the talks in very scary detail. With visual aids and everything. I’m careful, and I’m clean.”

“Me too—not the mom nurse, but careful and clean—or I’d rather say healthy. I don’t like thinking of disease as filth. ”

Petra had an almost aggressively positive spin on life and the world, Jay thought. She’d told him enough about herself that he knew she had some big problems going on now, and had some hard losses in her past, but it was like she’d decided somewhere along the way to give everybody and everything the best possible read.

“So if we’re exclusive now—are we?” she asked.

Without hesitation, he nodded. “Yeah, if you want to be. I really like you, Petra.” She was the best sex he’d had in a long time. Possibly ever. But that was a tiny fraction of the reasons he liked her.

“And I really like you. So as long as we’re only fucking each other, no condom required. It’s shower time!”

Slipping her arm from his grip, she jumped from the bed and skipped across the room, the muscles of her beautiful, sleek dancer’s body rippling. As she got to the door, she tossed a coy look back at him, then hurried out.

Sex without a condom?Shower sexwithout a condom? Fuck yeah!

Jay got up and chased her.




“It’s the pre-cat—it’scracked, right at the join. See? It’s small, but I bet that’s the problem. Look at the staining.”

Gunner leaned in to get a look. “That’s good. I see it,” he said and handed Jay a 1/16 socket bit, setting it in his hand with a smack, like they were surgeon and nurse.

Jay took the tool and loosened a bolt deep in the guts of this Grand Am. A few more, and he removed the pre-converter O2 sensor.

“Do we have this part on site?”

“I’ll check.” Gun went to the workbench at the back of the bay and started to hit keys on the vinyl-covered keyboard. Unable to watch the old fart’s laborious hunt-and-peck style, Jay set the dead pre-cat down and nudged Gun aside to access their inventory database himself.

He was having nearly as good a day as last night had been. Waking up in Petra’s bed, rolling into a sweaty fuck, got the day going with a bang, so to speak, and then another bang in her ballroom-size shower—and then getting to work for what he’d expected to be a typical pump-jockey grind and discovering that Maverick had pulled Duncan off the schedule to work a club job instead.

Duncan had seen him with Petra yesterday, and had slammed him with questions the second she’d left the shop. Jay had tried to deflect but everything he’d started to say to minimize her importance had jammed up in the back of his throat. It felt disloyal or something to play her off like she was no big deal.

So he wasn’t sorry not to have to deal with Dunc’s pestering again today, but even better was when Gunner put a hangaround in the shop with Monty and called Jay into the bays to get some apprentice time in.

Maybe he’d never figure out how to pass the fucking ASE, but he loved this work, and he felt better when he was doing it. Better about everything.

“Looks like I’m gonna need to take a trip to NAPA,” Jay muttered, finding their cupboards bare of the right part.

“I’ll come with. We’ll swing by Del Taco. I need an Epic Burrito. And we’ll grab some Fiesta Packs to feed the rest of the animals.” Gunner swung his arm over Jay’s shoulders. “You know, kid, you’re a natural with an engine. You’re gonna retake the exams, right?”

Jay was not about to let the ASE thing harsh his mellow today. He shrugged Gun off. “I don’t know. I don’t want to talk about it.”

But Gun wasn’t good at taking no for an answer. When Jay turned away, he simply moved to put himself in front of him again. “Look, JJ. I watch you work. You know this shit. That’s not why you failed, so something else is in your way.”
