Page 45 of Protected By Fire

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It’s been six months since the fire at Melody’s place. The first few weeks after Roman was discharged from the hospital were tough. Pretty much everything had been destroyed in the blaze and Melody was devastated. Thankfully, she had insurance, and while she couldn’t replace sentimental items, they paid out quickly, allowing her to at least replace all of their clothes and Roman’s toys. Roman had also struggled after the fire, having nightmares for weeks. Things seem to have settled now, though, and he only has bad nights occasionally. He’s back to his normal self, and it’s great to see.

Melody’s landlord was finally tracked down and charged with a handful of offences under rental law. The fire had been directly linked to the old fuse box, and while the case is ongoing, Melody’s attorney assures us there’s enough evidence with the photos Melody had taken when she first moved in and the report from the fire department to warrant a custodial sentence.

“Are you ready, baby?” I shout as I walk through the front door after dropping Roman off at preschool. I find Melody pacing the living room.

“Do you really think I can do this, Lucas?” she asks, biting down on her bottom lip.

I cross the room and wrap my arms around her, pulling her gently against my chest.

“Yes. You can definitely do this.”

“What if I’m the oldest one there?”

“So what if you are? I know for sure you’ll be the sexiest.”

I wriggle my eyebrows at her and she rolls her eyes, smacking me gently on my chest.


“What? I’m only telling the truth. You’ll be amazing, and I can’t wait to hear all about it later.”

“Thank you for making me do this. As nervous as I am, I’m excited too.”

“I would do anything for you, baby. You know that.”

“I love you.”

“I love you too.”

I lean down and kiss her before stepping out of the embrace and reaching for her hand. “Come on. You can’t be late for your first day.”

She takes a deep breath and lets me guide her through the house and out to my truck.

“You’re sure you can pick Roman up from preschool?”

“Yes. Everything is in place. Stop worrying.”

I make small talk on the short ride over to Prescott to try and stem her nerves. It doesn’t seem to be working, though, as her knee bounces up and down the whole way. When the car comes to a stop, she takes a deep breath and hugs her bag to her chest.

“Roman and I will be here to pick you up at five. Have a great day.”

“Thank you,” she whispers as she leans across the cab and kisses me.

“Knock ’em dead, baby.”

She climbs out of the car and I watch her as she walks up the sidewalk and into the building. She’s going to be incredible. I know she is.

Three months after the fire, I started looking into nursing courses. I knew her dream was to be a pediatric nurse and I wanted to give her the world. She was still working in the coffee shop in town, and I knew she hated it. When I’d first mentioned the course, she’d shot me down, saying she couldn’t study and work and be there for Roman. It had takena lotof convincing for her to accept that we were in this together and that I wanted to support her and Roman. She’d finally conceded, and today is her first day.

I’m not working today, and after I’ve dropped Melody off, I head into Armstrong, parking outside the small jewelry store on the main street. I’m picking up an engagement ring that I’d chosen a few weeks ago. I plan to propose tonight when I take her out to celebrate her first day at college. She has no idea, and even though Roman will be there at the meal, I haven’t told him in case he couldn’t keep the secret.

We might only have been together a few months, but I know without a shadow of a doubt that Melody is it for me. I want it all with her. Marriage, babies, the whole thing. I thought I loved my life before she moved in next door to me, but my life now is so much better than I ever could have imagined. I can’t wait to see what the future holds for us. Whatever it is, it will be incredible with her and Roman at my side.

