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“Erm, yeah, of course. Let me just grab…” I reached around him for my robe, which hung next to where he was standing. He made no attempt to move and my arm brushed against his hard chest. I moved back and quickly slipped on the robe before leading him into the hallway and down to Brody’s room. “Just help yourself. Clean towels should be in the cabinet, and I’m sure Brody won’t mind you borrowing some clothes. If there’s anything you need, let meknow.”

“Thanks Sav.” He watched me as I backed slowly out of Brody’s room. Closing the door, I rested my head back against it and closed my eyes. How was I ever going to be able to relax in the bath knowing he was down the hall, naked in Brody’s shower? I let out a groan before heading back to my room and climbing into the hotwater.

20 minutes later, I’d washed the yellow paint from my body and hair and was lying on my bed, trying to fall asleep. My mind was working overtime and I was replaying the day’s events with Josh over and over in my head—the brief touches, the lingering stares, the flirty incident with the paint. Was I reading too much into things or was he acting differently around me? My pregnancy hormones were all over the place, and I did question if I was being too sensitive. While Josh and I had spent time together over the years, we’d always been in a group and rarely spent time alone. Maybe this was the real Josh and I’d just never seen it before. He obviously wasn’t interested though—after all, he had a date that night. A quiet knock sounded on my door, pulling me from mythoughts.

“Sav,” I heard Josh say quietly through the door. “Are youawake?”

I rolled over and groaned into my pillow. Sitting up, I took a deep breath. “Yes, come in,” I called out. The door opened and he walked in wearing a pair of Brody’s shorts and one of his t-shirts. The shirt was small on him, and it stretched tight across his chest. His hair was damp from the shower, his feet were bare, and he looked gorgeous. “Hi,” I said quietly, tearing my eyes away from hisbody.

“I’m heading out. Thanks for letting me use the shower. I’ll see you tomorrow?” he asked expectantly. I nodded and gave him a small smile. “Have a good time tonight,” hesaid.

“You too. ByeJosh.”

“Bye Sav.” He closed the door behind him and I flopped back down on the bed, hating how good he looked and feeling incredibly jealous of Beth. I’d never met her, but I already hatedher.

Iclosed my eyes,desperate to fall asleep. I knew if I didn’t get a nap, I’d never make it the whole night, and I didn’t want to have to go home early; this could be one of the last times I went out dancing. I didn’t like the idea of being out in bars when I was showing. At the moment, you couldn’t really tell I was pregnant, unless you knew and were looking for my smallbump.

I must have eventually dozed off as I was awoken by my phone alerting me to an incoming message. Rolling over, I grabbed it off the nightstand. There was a message fromLibby.

Libby:Hey Sav, we’ll be over in 30 mins, can’t wait to getdancing

30 minutes? I checked the time on my phone and saw that it was already 6:30—I’d slept for almost two hours. I sent Lib a quick message back before swinging my legs over the side of the bed and heading for my closet. I wanted to wear my favorite dress—if I could fit into it. I walked into my closet and started flicking through my clothes, finally finding what I was looking for. I held the dress up against me. It was a white cotton skater dress that flared out slightly at the waist and fell mid-thigh. It looked great with my tan belt andboots.

I quickly did my hair, curling it so it fell in waves down my back. I decided to go all out with my makeup; if this was the last time I would be out for a while, I was going to look the best I could. Now for the moment of truth—could I fit into my dress? I slipped it over my head, taking care not to mess up my hair and makeup. Standing sideways at the mirror, I smoothed the material over my stomach. It was tight, but not too tight. I reached for the belt and fixed it around me. Wearing the belt seemed to push my tiny bump out, and I moved around, trying to see myself from everyangle.

“What are you doing?” I heard Lib say from the doorway, and I spun around to face her. “Wow Sav, you look amazing,” she said, crossing the room to stand next tome.

“Thank you.” I turned back toward the mirror. “Do I look pregnant in this?” I asked her, still unsure of the dress. She came up behind me, looking over my shoulder at myreflection.

“No, you look beautiful. I know how much you love that dress. Are you wearing your tan cowboy boots?” I nodded and went back to the closet to get them. I loved cowboy boots and had quite a few pairs, so it took me a while to find the ones I wanted. Pulling them on, I reached for my denim jacket and purse before heading back toLib.

“You look great too Lib,” I told her, looking at her jean skirt and sleeveless top. Being in love suited her, and she was almost glowing with happiness. I linked our arms and led her toward the stairs. “Where’s lover boy?” I asked as we made our waydownstairs.

“He’s on the porch swing with Brody, they’re waiting for us.” I nodded, tucking my hair behind my ear. “Do you know you have yellow paint on your ear?” Lib said with a smile. “How did you manage to get paintthere?”

“What? I thought I got it all off!” I peered into the mirror in the hall, rubbing my ear with my fingers. “I’m going to kill Josh!” Iexclaimed.

“What does Josh have to do with it?” Lib asked insurprise.

I rolled my eyes before meeting her stare in the mirror. “It’s a long story. I’ll fill you inlater.”

“Ooooo, sounds interesting.” She clapped her handstogether.

“What sounds interesting baby?” Mason asked as he appeared at the door. Coming into the hall, he circled his arms around Libby, pulling her backward onto his chest. I watched as her whole face lit up at being in hisarms.

“Girl talk babe,” she told him, turning in his embrace and kissinghim.

“Let’s get going and you can have your girl talk at the bar,” he said, kissing her on the nose. I stared at them, wondering if anyone would ever look at me the way Mason was gazing at Libby. There would be no doubt for anyone watching them that they were very much in love. I was happy for Lib; she deserved someone like Mason to love her. I just hoped one day I would be able to experience what theyhad.

20 minutes later, we were fighting through the crowds at the Brass Hall. Even for a Friday night, the bar was packed. Libby grabbed my hand and tugged on it. “Quick, there’s a table over there.” She pulled me behind her and we managed to find what I was guessing was the only free table in the place, right on the edge of the dancefloor.

“Drinks, ladies?” Brodyasked.

“Just a Diet Coke for me please. Sav, what are you having?” Lib asked, scooting along the booth seat to sit next tome.

“Same for me please, Brode,” Ireplied.

“I’ll go with Brody and help with the drinks,” Mason said, reaching over and kissing Libby before they both turned and fought their way across the dance floor to thebar.

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