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“We’ll see,” I replied with alaugh.

“I’ll catch you both later,” he said, shaking his head. “Seriously though, congratulations. I couldn’t be happier for you two.” He walked off toward the barn, leaving us standing in front of thecar.

“I really thought we were going to come to blows,” Josh said, dropping down and sitting on the hood of the car. I stood in front of him and he pulled me between his legs, his arms going around my waist while his forehead rested on my smallbump.

“So did I for a minute,” I said quietly. “Did you really mean what you said about choosing me overBrody?”

He lifted his head and kissed my stomach before raising his eyes to mine. “Every time baby, every time.” He stood up and wrapped me in his arms. “Now where were we before we were rudely interrupted?” hewhispered.

“Right about here, I think…” I muttered against his mouth, my lips brushing against his. He tightened his hold on me and let out a moan as I snaked my tongue into his mouth, deepening the kiss. I threaded my fingers around his neck, pulling gently on the hair at the base. I could kiss that man all day, and it would never getold.

“Put her down!” Brody shouted from behindus.

Breaking the kiss, Josh groaned and rested his forehead on mine. “I may have to kill your brother—you’d be okay with that, right?” he said, and Ilaughed.

“If he keeps interrupting us, I’m going to kill him myself!” I exclaimed, turning and giving Brody the finger. I heard him laugh behind me and I rolled my eyes. “We should get inside anyway, you don’t want my dad seeing us making out on the hood of your car.” I watched as Josh’s eyes wentwide.

“I have to have the same conversation with him as I did with Brody don’t I?” Hegroaned.

“Yep! I think you are.” I grabbed his hand and pulled him toward the cottage. “You’ll be fine, my dad loves you,” I assuredhim.

“Let’s hope so,” he mumbled, followingme.

We went to my parents’house that evening because Josh was anxious to talk to them about us before they found out from someone else. I reminded him that my mom already knew and had likely told my dad, but he was still insistent about speaking to them both. I knew how much they meant to Josh; they had practically been second parents to him with the amount of time he’d spent at the ranch as a kid, and having their blessing was important tohim.

I was surprised to find out that my mom hadn’t told my dad, and to say he was shocked would be an understatement. He was pleased though, as I’d known he would be. My parents both loved Josh, and I smiled as I saw him let out a sigh of relief as my dad shook his hand and clapped him on the back. My mom pulled me to the side and asked where we’d been; apparently, she had been to the cottage early that morning and had gotten no answer when she’d knocked on the door. I filled her in on our date in Austin, from the suite at the Four Seasons to the boat ride on the lake. She ooed and aahed, telling me how romantic it all sounded, and pulling me into her arms, she told me how happy she was forme.

We spent the rest of the evening with my parents before heading back to the cottage. I was exhausted after the amazing day and night in Austin, and after a quick shower, I fell asleep wrapped in Josh’sarms.

The rest of the week passed by in a blur of happiness. We got up each morning and ate breakfast together before I headed to Austin for school and Josh went to work. More often than not, Josh was home before me, and dinner or a bath was awaiting me when I arrived. I’d had no clue he could cook, but it was a good thing he could since I was useless around thekitchen.

On Friday night, Josh planned to go out for a drink with Mason and Brody. Libby was coming to the cottage and we were going to order pizza and watch DVDs. Since returning from Austin on Monday, other than the odd text message, I hadn’t had time to really talk to her, and I was looking forward to catchingup.

I was lazing on the sofa while Josh was getting ready upstairs. I was just over nineteen weeks pregnant and my bump was growing daily. The sickness had thankfully passed and I was feeling great, although I was guessing being head over heels in love made you feel good too. The more time Josh and I spent together, the more I fell in love with him, if that was evenpossible.

A knock on the door tore me from my thoughts and I got up, swinging the door open. “Hey guys,” I said, seeing Mason, Libby, and Brody standing in the small front garden. “Come in.” I moved slightly to the side to let thempass.

“You won’t be able to do that for much longer Sav!” Brody exclaimed as he passedme.

“Do what?” I asked him,confused.

“Hold the door open while we walk in.” He gestured to my stomach. “There won’t be enough room soon,” he said,laughing.

“Hilarious Brody,” I said sarcastically, swatting him on theshoulder.

“What’s going on?” Josh asked as he came down the stairs and crossed the room, his arm going around myshoulder.

“Oh nothing, just Brody thinking he’s being funny,” I told him, rolling myeyes.

“Are you picking on my girl Brode?” Josh asked, kissing me on the side of thehead.

“Always,” Brody replied, still laughing tohimself.

“Go on, take my idiot brother out with you and leave me and Lib to our pizza.” Josh chuckled and snaked his arms around my waist. He brushed his lips against mine and I wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling him closer to me and losing myself in his kiss. As I deepened the kiss, I heard Brodygroan.

“Urghh, I do not want to watch my best friend and my sister making out. Put her down and let’s go!” I smiled against Josh’s lips and pulled away slightly, seeing Brody heading for the door, shaking hishead.

“You’d better go. Have a good night,” I toldhim.
