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“Thank you,” I said again, amazed by her halfcompliment.

“Would you like a drink?” Josh asked from beside me, his arm snaking around my waist. I watched as Grace’s eyes dropped to Josh’s arm before looking back up at me. She gave me a smile when she saw I was watching, but like before, it didn’t quite reach hereyes.

“Yes, please darling,” she purred. “A glass of wine I think, and make it a large one.” Her eyes met mine as Robert asked for a bottle of beer, and Josh turned away to order the drinks. I became increasingly uncomfortable as I felt her eyes on me, even though she was making no effort to makeconversation.

“If you’ll excuse me, I just need to use the bathroom,” I told her, rushing off before she had a chance to respond. I walked straight past the bathroom and headed outside, needing to get some air. A few people were milling around outside, but I didn’t feel like making conversation so I slipped around the side of the barn where I knew there were some hay bales to sit on. Sitting down, I sighed. I thought it would be safe to say that Grace was on her best behavior; no doubt Josh and his dad had spoken to her and made her promise to be civil. Even so, I had a feeling it was the calm before the storm. I really had no idea why she disliked me so much. Yes, I was loud and opinionated a lot of the time, but I was a nice person—at least I hoped I was—and I loved her son. Isn’t that what all parents want for their children? To see themhappy?

I sat outside for five minutes, but it was getting late and I was thinking about calling it a night. It had been an amazing day, but a long one, and if I was being honest, I didn’t want to spend too much longer making small talk with someone who clearly didn’t want to be around me. Standing up, I made my way back inside the barn, quickly spotting Josh as I walkedinside.

“Hey, you disappeared—everythingokay?”

I nodded, taking my drink from his hand. “I’m fine, but I’m wiped out. I think I’m going to call it a night after this,” I told him. “You stay though, I can make my own wayback.”

“No, if you’re leaving, I’m coming too,” heinsisted.

“You really don’t have to Josh, I don’t want to ruin yournight.”

“Are you kidding? The best part of my night is going to be peeling that dress off you—which I’ve wanted to do since the minute I saw you—along with falling asleep with you in myarms.”

I smiled as I put my drink down on the nearest table. Looping my arms around his neck, I reached up to kiss him. “Take me home Josh,” I sighed against his lips, and he nodded before kissing me. When he pulled out of the kiss, I turned to see his mom scowling at me. I flashed her afuck yougrin, and after saying a speedy goodbye to everyone, we left. There was no way I was going to let that woman ruin what had been, up until her arrival, an incredible day. I also vowed that I wasn’t going to let her fuck up my relationship either. She obviously saw me as a threat, someone who was taking her son away from her, but what she failed to see was that if she continued behaving like she had been, she was going to lose himanyway.

It wasChristmas morning and I woke up excited to spend my first Christmas with Josh. He had been very secretive the past few days, making the nursery off limits, even going as far as putting a lock on the door. He knew me well enough to know that given the opportunity, I wouldn’t be able to resist peeking inside. I’d asked him what felt like a million times to tell me what he was doing, but he refused to answer and told me I would just have to wait. I’d never been very good at waiting, and growing frustrated, I had resorted to pouting at him, attempting to storm off downstairs. I had hoped that would make him tell me, but instead I’d just heard him laughing as I waddled down thestairs.

My bump was getting bigger and bigger, and I did wonder sometimes if I was going to burst. I was having trouble sleeping, I couldn’t have a bath when Josh wasn’t at home because I couldn’t get out of the tub without help, and most of my maternity clothes were getting unbearably tight. I was living in yoga pants and Josh’s t-shirts, and I still had two months to go. I felt enormous and was more than ready for this pregnancy to be over. Josh seemed to adore my body though and couldn’t keep his hands off me, which was reassuring when I felt so shitty aboutmyself.

Unable to get comfortable, I tossed my maternity pillow off the bed and attempted to cuddle up to Josh. He hated the pillow because it meant I wasn’t wrapped around him while I slept, but using it was the only way I could get a half-decent night’s sleep. He was lying on his back, and I positioned myself so I was as close to him as I could get with my huge bump. I lay my head on his naked chest and his arms instinctively came around me. He gently turned me so I was facing away from him, his chest to my back. He pulled my naked body back against his naked body, his erection pressing against me. I wriggled against him and he groaned in myear.

“Merry Christmas Josh,” I murmured, turning my head so I could see his face. His eyes were still closed and I watched as his mouth turned up in asmile.

“Merry Christmas baby,” he replied, opening his eyes and looking down at me. His hand rested on my stomach and his fingers began drawing lazy patterns on myskin.

“So, do I get to find out what my surprise is now?” I asked himexcitedly.

“In a minute. Let me just hold you for a bit without that goddam pillow in between us,” he said, nuzzling my neck and tightening his grip on me. “I hate that thing,” he said, and I laughed as I relaxed into his arms. His fingers continued to stroke my stomach and I felt my body come alive, his touch causing goose bumps to bloom on my skin. His hand began to move upward and his fingers pinched my nipple. Moaning, I pushed backward against his erection and felt him hard against my ass. As he played with my nipple, an ache began to form between my legs, and reaching his hand underneath my bump and between my legs, his fingers began circling my clit. I gasped, dropping my head back against the pillow. He lifted his head, his mouth finding mine in a searing kiss. Pulling away, he brushed kisses along my jawline and down my neck. I could feel his erection pulsing against me and I needed to feel him insideme.

“Josh,” I groaned. “I needmore.”

“I’ve got you,” he said, lifting my leg and pushing insideme.

“Oh God!” I moaned as he began rocking against me, his hand coming between my legs again, his fingers finding myclit.

“Does that feel good sweetheart?” he asked in my ear, his breathing ragged. All I could do was nod my head as he continued to thrust into me, his fingers rubbing against me. His other hand had managed to find my breast, and as I took over holding my leg in the air, he began to pull on my nipple. He bent his head and breathed, “I’m close, come for me Savannah.” He flicked my clit with his fingers and I cried out as my orgasm hit me. He rocked against me once more before he too exploded, his cock swelling inside me as hecame.

Dropping my leg, I waited for my heart to stop racing and my breathing to even out. Josh’s arm was still wrapped around me and I could feel his heart pounding in his chest. “Wow…best Christmas present ever,” I told him as I turned my head to look at his grinningface.

“Well I’m glad you liked it, and now that I’ve woken you up appropriately on our first Christmas morning together, I can show you your real present. Wait here,” he said excitedly as he gently pulled out of me and climbed out of bed. I watched as he pulled his shorts on and walked out of the bedroom, returning a minute later with a washcloth. Opening my legs, he gently wiped me before tossing the washcloth and pulling me up off the bed. I quickly pulled on some panties and a t-shirt before looking at Joshexpectantly.

Taking my hand, Josh led me out of the bedroom and stood me in front of the nursery door. “If you don’t like it or you had something else in mind then we can change it,” he said nervously as he turned the handle on the nursery door and pushed it open. I gasped when I looked inside and saw the most beautiful oak crib and chest ofdrawers.

My hand flew to my mouth and I turned to face Josh. “Did you make these?” I asked him from behind my hand, tears welling in myeyes.

He nodded. “Do you like them?” he asked, still soundingunsure.

“Josh, I love them. They’re beautiful.” I flung my arms around him as the tears slipped down my cheeks. “Thank you,” I said into his chest. After a few seconds, I pulled out of his embrace and crossed the room, running my fingers over the smooth wood of the crib. “I can’t believe you made these—it must have taken you hours. When did you find the time?” I asked, knowing he had spent nearly every spare minute with me when he wasn’t atwork.

He shrugged his shoulders. “I started them as soon as I found out you were pregnant,” he saidsheepishly.

“Before we got together?” I asked insurprise.
