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I thought about the two guys in my vision, and their conversation. “It was like they were collecting them—different kinds of underworlders, I mean. They were really excited to have a troll. I guess that’s pretty uncommon.”

“And dangerous. Trolls have unbelievable strength and stamina. And they’re fiercely loyal to each other. Mess with one troll, mess with their whole clan.”

“Then why risk it? Why do they want them? For what?”

“I don’t know.”

Parker yawns, and I realize the wariness in his voice is probably just fatigue. It’s the middle of the night for him, and the fact that he can be awake at all while the sun is up means he’s a very powerful vampire. I feel bad for disturbing his sleep. “Sorry. I know you’re tired.”

“I am. It’s very hard for vampires to be awake in the daytime. I won’t last much longer. But if you would just meet me tonight, we could go over all of this together.”

I still don’t want to, but he has a point. If I can’t find anything else out today, I might have to. “Call me when you wake up, and we’ll see.”

Parker chuckles. The sound gives me shivers. “Strictly professional. You have my word.”

“We’ll see,” I say again. “No promises. AndnoHenry. Don’t you dare give him this number. Don’t even tell him I called. Or any other vampire, either. At all. Just you. I mean it.”

“You have my word, Nora. I’ll call you around eight.”

I swallow back dread as I hang up the phone. What did I just do? Did I just make a date with the devil?It’s not a date. I didn’t even promise to meet him.

I continue to rage a war with my inner thoughts as I googleGreek lifeand start sifting through different fraternity images. If the license plate number on the car was a fake, the only other lead I have is the sticker that was on the back windshield. I can’t exactly remember the symbols, but I’d know them if I saw them.

I look through photo after photo and don’t see what I’m looking for. I look on several sites that list all the Greek fraternities and sororities and still can’t find the image I remember. But I would swear that’s what that window decal was for.

Before giving up, I have one last idea. I turn on my chat and smile when I see that my only contact is online. Knowing the face behind the screen name is still surreal. It makes me feel shy as I send a message to my longtime guardian angel.


I immediately get a reply.

SorcererX:Nora! I’m glad to hear from you. I was worried about you going home with your neighbor after you and all…is everything okay?

His concern warms me. I might have five contacts in my phone, but at the moment there are only two people in the world I trust—Oliver and Terrance.

PsychoPsychic:Actually, I’m pretty great. Terrance wouldn’t let me stay there anymore. He’s putting me up at his place until I decide where I’m headed.

SorcererX:TERRANCE??????? The TROLL took you in?

PsychoPsychic:It’s okay. I know he’s a troll, and I know they’re dangerous, but I swear he won’t hurt me. I don’t know how I know, I just do. I actually slept better last night than I ever have. I’m safe here, Oliver. I promise.

SorcererX:Of course you’re safe.Terrancetook you in. That’s not what I meant. I’m just surprised. Nora, him bringing you home is a BIG deal. You’re under his protection now. You’re probably safer than most underworlders in this city. I can’t believe he took you in. That’s CRAZY. I’m glad, though. I’m glad you’re safe now.

I laugh at his shock. I guess it really is unusual for Terrance to bring home guests.

PsychoPsychic:Thanks. Me too, though I’m still trying to wrap my head around the concept. Anyway, listen, you said you were taking criminal justice classes. Does that mean you go to Wayne State U?

SorcererX:Yeah. Finishing up my master’s here. Not my school of choice, but my budget disagrees.

I laugh. I know how it feels to settle for less than what you want because you’re strapped for cash.

PsychoPsychic:Are you on campus now?

SorcererX:Yeah, my last class just ended. I usually head to the library by your place to do my homework right about now, but I guess I don’t need to go all the way over there, since you won’t be there. Why? You need something?

I hesitate before I respond, my heart speeding up at what I’m about to ask him. The idea of hanging out with Oliver in person is both exciting and terrifying. Right now, as things are, we could still continue to be just random Internet buddies. He can keep feeding me info about the underworld and answering my questions, but things would stay the same. If I ask him to meet me, that changes things. Then, I’m acknowledging our friendship as something more. Something real. I’ve never had a real friend before. He would be my first.

“Suck it up, Nora,” I whisper to myself. “It’ll be fine. He already knows your secret. You don’t have to hide from him, so maybe he could be a real friend.”
