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Parker mutters something to the host, who scampers away, and then Parker settles his eyes on me. His gaze roves over me again, as if he can’t help himself.


“What’s good here?” I ask, scooping up my menu and ducking behind it to hide from his penetrating stare. I can still feel him watching me.

“Everything,” he answers. “Especially the falafel. That is what you wanted, isn’t it? They have an especially excellent dish here.”

I lower my menu and frown at him. “So you eat food, then?”

His eyes spark with amusement again. “Yes. I do. It won’t sustain me, but I enjoy it, and will be ordering dinner with you.”

Well, that’s a relief. A small one.

As if his comment conjured him up, a waiter appears beside our table, dropping off water glasses with wedges of lemon. I order the falafel, and Parker opts for some kind of Greek lamb chops that actually sound awesome. When the waiter is gone, I grab my water and chug half of it down.

“There’s no need to be nervous, Nora.”

“Right,” I grumble under my breath from behind my water glass. “I’m only on a date with a vampire.”

I forgot vampires have really good hearing. Parker hears my comment, and his face lights up with pure pleasure. Damn. Now he knows it’s a date. What the hell is wrong with me?

“I’m really glad you agreed to see me tonight, Nora.” He holds up a hand when I open my mouth to argue. “I know it’s only because we need to find the missing underworlders, but I’m still grateful. Please, allow me to apologize for my part in your experience with my clan.” I scoff but don’t interrupt him, because his face looks so sincerely regretful. “If I’d had any idea of your gifts, or that you most likely have underworlder blood in you, I never would have brought you to Henry.”

No. You’d have tried to keep me for yourself.

“Whatever. It’s over now, so let’s just forget about it, okay? I know you didn’t mean for all that to happen. I’m still mad, but I don’t blame you. I blame Henry.”

“Henry is not all vampires,” Parker says softly.

Parker meets my stare, and I can’t look away. I’m so grateful for the table between us. If he touched me right now, I don’t think I’d have the willpower to stop him. “It doesn’t matter,” I whisper. “Vampire or not. I don’t do dating or relationships or anything physical.”

“You’re attracted to me.”

He’s right, but that’s not enough. “I’m afraid of you,” I admit. “I’m afraid of all men. I’ve been hurt by nearly every single one I’ve ever met.”

Parker’s eyes fill with sadness. “I would never hurt you, Nora.”

I gulp. I don’t want to trust him, but my heart is starting to believe even if my head doesn’t. “It doesn’t matter,” I say again. It’s barely a whisper.

“How can I prove myself to you? Tell me how I can gain your forgiveness and your trust.”

I shake my head. It wouldn’t matter if I forgave him, and I already do trust him, or I wouldn’t be here with him now. But I can’t get into a relationship. It wouldn’t end well. He’s too drawn to me. If I gave him an opportunity, he wouldn’t be able to stop himself.No.Until I figure out what I am and how to control this curse of mine, I can’t date anyone. My body is just going to have to cool down.

“I’m not looking to date, Parker. But I could use your help tonight.”


Our food arrives, and as we eat, I tell Parker about my day, about going to the university and discovering the fake fraternity full of dark magic users. I tell him about my vision in the car and about the plan I’ve concocted with Nick for the party tonight. Parker doesn’t like this idea, but he doesn’t get a say. “So what would you like me to do?” he asks, not quite able to mask his annoyance that I refuse to stay away tonight.

“I need you to keep Xavier away. I’m sure he’ll call you.”

“He already has. I haven’t returned his call, but he invited me to come to a party with him tonight.”

I grin, feeling the excitement from earlier when I was plotting this undercover operation with Nick. “That would be the one we’re going to.”

“So why don’t I just come? At least that way I could help Gorgeous keep an eye on you.”

I shake my head and scoop up the last bite of my falafel. Parker’s right: This is the best falafel I’ve ever had. “You can’t. These guys know Xavier. They like him and trust him already. He’s the one they want. If he shows up tonight, they won’t look twice at Nick and me.”
