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“What the hell!” Rook hollers, pulling the blanket up over us to cover me from their view.

Charlie clutches his hand over his heart, almost as if he’s in pain. “I can’t take it anymore,” he says. “The love in this room is incredible. I need to be a part of it, or I’m going to burst.”

He climbs onto the bed, ignoring Rook’s cursing, and smashes his lips to mine. I squeak in surprise. It’s a searing kiss, but it’s over quickly and then he collapses on the bed beside me and throws his arm across me. He sighs happily as he closes his eyes and snuggles in close. “Much better.”

A small snort of laughter bubbles up out of my chest, and Rook shoots me an exasperated look like I’ve betrayed him by taking the cupid’s side. I shrug helplessly and start raking my fingers through Charlie’s hair. He sighs again.

Rook frowns and then turns his attention to the demon who also barged into the room. “And what’s your excuse?”

Ren grins. “The sexual energy in this room is delicious. You guys were so potent I won’t need to feed for days.”

My face heats up, but I still manage a frown. “Okay,thatis creepy.”

Ren chuckles, and Rook throws a pillow at him. “Get out of here, pervert. You’re not even one of her men!”

Like a flip of a switch, my siren takes hold of me and I hiss,“Yes, he is. He’smine!”

All three men freeze. Each of them gapes at me in shock. I close my eyes and breath deeply until I have control of myself again. “Sorry,” I murmur. “My siren is a greedy, possessive bitch, and she’s claimed Ren.” I open my eyes, and though I’m blushing from embarrassment, I manage to meet Ren’s surprised gaze. “You may not be my lover, but you’re mine as much as Terrance is, or Wulf and Nick. You’re my family.”

For a moment, I worry what Ren will think of my claim. Demons are notorious loners. Even the ones who join hordes still don’t make strong ties to other demons. But Ren grins at me with shiny eyes, and I know we’re good. Rook grumbles again, and I laugh.

Ren shocks us by climbing onto the bed and cuddling up behind Charlie, basically spooning him. “I’ve never had a family.”

“I’ve never had an incubus,” Charlie replies, his voice surprisingly thick.

In a flash, the hormones in the room are cranked up to ten. Charlie moans and shudders against me. Even I’m filled with need and desire. Rook curses through a clenched jaw, no doubt feeling it as much as Charlie and I are. “Damn it, Ren! Cut that shit out!”

“I can’t help it,” Ren whines, but the incubus power saturating the air dissipates. “The pretty cupid wants my body.”

I startle at this and cock my head to the side as I peer down at Charlie. “Really?”

Charlie stretches and sucks in a deep breath through his nose. “Can’t say I haven’t fantasized about it.” He opens his eyes and smiles warmly at me. “Love has no limits for a cupid. We need it like we need air. I’m not picky about gender.” He gives me a hug with the arm that’s draped over me and kisses my shoulder. “But don’t worry, darling. I will happily remain faithful to you. Commitment makes for a stronger bond, and that is far more important to me than any dalliance.”

His thoughts and emotions—of which I can both hear and feel at the moment—suggest the truth of his words. I’m surprisingly touched by the declaration. I may have just met Charlie, but somehow I’ve already accepted him as mine.

“That’s so sweet,” Ren croons. He props himself up on his elbow and looks down at Charlie. “Nora, can I kiss your cupid?”

Charlie sucks in a breath and his eyes move to Ren’s mouth. I wait for the jealousy that’s ruled me lately, but it doesn’t come. The thought of Ren and Charlie together doesn’t bother me. I like the idea that they can be happy together. “If you do, will you hurt him?” I ask.

Surprise flashes in Ren’s eyes. He’d only been kidding. He didn’t think I’d really go for it. But I can tell he’s thrilled I didn’t say no. His smile softens lovingly. “No, sweetie. I won’t hurt him. I don’t have to feed if I don’t want to. I have excellent control.”

“Then, um…I guess I don’t mine if you guys want to be together, too. No reason I should be the only one expecting you to share.” Both men watch me so intently that I blush. I steal a glance at Rook, and he’s watching me just as closely. I turn my attention back to Ren and Charlie and shrug. “I feel like I should be jealous, but I’m not.” I gulp and pin Charlie with a steady gaze. “But maybe just Ren, okay? I don’t think I’d like you being with just anyone. It feels different with Ren because you’re both mine.”

The two men share a glance, then look at me with adoration. “You have my word, Nora,” Charlie promises.

Ren leans down to claim Charlie’s lips in a sultry kiss, and Rook groans. “Yeah, yeah, great. We’re all one big, happy family. Can you guys go do that somewhere else? Nora and I were enjoying our alone time.”

Rook’s grumpiness makes me smile. I lean forward and give him a kiss on his frowning lips. “We should check on Oliver, anyway.”

Rook sighs, but he pulls me into his arms and he looks a lot less agitated. “All right, but—”

He’s cut off by the sound of a throat clearing. A very haggard Enzo is hovering in the doorway with pink cheeks. His eyes are glued to the carpet. “Excuse me. I don’t mean to interrupt you all,” he murmurs.

Rook huffs, but there’s no hostility behind it. I’ve noticed no one can ever be anything but nice to the mild-mannered shaman. “May as well come in and join us, Enzo. With as much as you save our asses, I think you’ve earned a spot in the family.”

Enzo’s eyes flash up in shock, and I can hear his sharp intake of breath from all the way across the room. No doubt, the others can see the hope and longing in his expression as much as I can. The man wants what we have. Having walked away from the shaman community, he’s on his own as much as any of us. I’d love nothing more than to bring him into our misfit fold. I’ll have to talk to Terrance and the other guys about it.

He clears his throat again. “That’s kind of you to say. I would stay, but Mr. Oliver is awake now.”
