Page 15 of The Grim Reapers

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“No.” Robyn laughs and shakes her head. “No, he’s just into girls, but he’s… he’s not the kind of guy to do anything low-key, you know? He has all of the professors eating out of his hand, and he can get away with anything and everything.”

“Not in the real world he won’t,” I murmur. “He’s going to be in for a rude awakening when he graduates in…”

“He’s a junior, like me,” Robyn says, “but even freshman year, he acted like he was a legend.”

I can’t help it. I glance over my shoulder. Rob’s not still standing there, of course. He’s reached a nearby parking lot, heading for a trio of guys leaning against motorcycles.

“Isn’t that the guy from earlier?” I ask.

“Hmm?” Robyn glances over. “Yes, Ace. You do like him, huh? He’s prettier than hot, isn’t he?”

I wince. As much as it felt weird to be told to my face that I’m hot, Rob’s right. Girls use hot to describe guys all the time.

“Who are the other two?” I ask to cover my discomfort.

“The one with the longish black hair parted in the middle is Gabe Pendleton. His green eyes are so amazing. I’ve never seen a guy with eyes like that before. Or a girl either. I thought they were fake the first time I met him, you know, colored contacts? I asked him about that, and he didn’t like that. Which I understand. It was a bit in your face to have asked, but I didn’t mean anything by it.”

Gabe is the thinnest of the group, but he’s still more muscular than most of the guys back in my high school.

“Is he a runner?” I ask.

“Oh, yeah. Big time. Does track and cross country. Can do sprints and long distance. No matter what he races, he always wins.”

“I’m sure he has an ego to match that speed.”

“When you’re that good…” Robyn shrugs. “Can you blame him? But he’s charming. Well, to everyone but me but that’s my own fault.”

“You asked a question,” I protest.

“You don’t understand,” she murmurs. “Those four guys…”

She nods to them as Rob joins the others.

“They’re the ones who rule the campus, huh?” I ask.

“Yes.” Robyn bites her lower lip. “Zac Stryker is the last one.”

His hair is auburn, and his arms rival Rob’s I can tell as he crosses them while leaning against a bike. That pose comes so naturally to him, but Rob’s not the only one who could model. Hell, the four of them could.

“Anything I should know about Zac?” I ask.

“I don’t know Zac all that well,” Robyn says, her tone a little strange.

I eye her skeptically. “That so?”

Robyn laughs. “I think he’s the hottest of them all.”

“So why don’t you get to know him?” I ask. “Are they all juniors? Have you had any classes with him?”

“No. Different majors, and while I’ll talk to anyone and everyone, I just can’t with Zac.”

“Why not?”

“I don’t know. There’s just something that makes me feel like I won’t get anywhere with him.”

“Does he not do close relationships?” I ask.

“Not outside those guys.”
