Page 18 of The Grim Reapers

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I just stareat Robyn without blinking. There’s no way in hell that I heard her correctly.

“Excuse me?” I ask faintly.

“You saw their sweet rides, right?”

Dully, I nod.

“They’re in a motorcycle club.”

“Club? Or gang?” I ask.

Robyn shrugs. “I don’t really know if there’s much difference between the two.”

“Do they, ah…” I bite my lower lip and then start to laugh. Seriously, what are the chances that the Grim Reapers is also a mafia motorcycle club? I need to get over myself.

“Do they ever what?” Robyn asks. For once, she seems oblivious to my internal strife.

“I was just wondering what it’s like to be on one,” I say even though I already know. I don’t have a bike myself, but Erika has one, and she’s ridden around with me on hers.

I also used to sit on the back of Billy’s bike. Honestly, it’s not that much of a stretch to say that I dated him more for his bike than for him. He wasn’t the best of dudes.

“I doubt any of them will let you ride their bike, but maybe Rob will let you ride behind him. Or maybe ride his front?” Robyn lifts her eyebrows and wiggles them suggestively.

I shake my head. “No. I don’t think so.”

“Why not? I thought from afar that you two were fighting, but up close, I couldn’t tell. I thought maybe you might actually be flirting instead of fighting.”

“It was… complicated,” I mutter.

“You didn’t already know him, do you?”

I hesitate. I thought for sure that I knew him from the cruise ship, but now, I’m not so sure. His being in the Grim Reapers makes me look at him in a different light. Whether or not that’s deserved, I don’t know.

I just don’t have a good history with motorcycle clubs, and I don’t want anything to do with them or their members. Best to just leave them go.

Leave them go. I don’t even know three of them.

Leave Rob.

It’s done. Whatever there was between us, it’s over with. I can’t deal with any shit. Not now. Not ever.

All I want is to be happy.

To go back to being excited about the future.

“Can anyone know anyone?” I finally answer even though it’s about as much as a non-answer as there can be.

“Fair enough,” she says with a laugh. “I doubt anyone knows Rob. Or Zac for that matter. Gabe is easier to know because he’s a talker. He could talk his way out of a murder sentence. I swear!”

My eyes bulge at that. There had been a lot of gunfire and murder and all of that between the Thunder Crows and the Savage Reapers. That’s all done with now, but there being a motorcycle club here makes my skin crawl.

Rob sure as fuck looked sexy as all hell on his bike, but no thank you. No drama for me.

I grab my phone. “I should get going. I have class.”

“I’ll walk you.”
