Page 23 of The Grim Reapers

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Robyn rolls her eyes and shakes her head. “You’re a nice, good girl. Believe me.”

“Maybe you don’t have me pegged quite as much as you think you do.”

“Pegged.” She snorts and winks at me. “Go off. Have fun, but you better tell me deets tomorrow, you hear?”

“I’ll consider it.” I reach for my purse, open it, and root around for my wallet.

“Give me deets, and I got the bill,” she offers.

I hand her a twenty.

She pouts. “Katie…”

“We aren’t going to do anything,” I tell her, my tone firm, much firmer than I actually feel.

Because I’m nervous. Not worried. I just don’t know what to expect. Our meetup on campus earlier had definitely not been what I would’ve hoped for if I allowed myself to even consider how seeing Rob again would go. A do-over would be nice.

But it’s going to be at his place.

So what? That doesn’t mean we have to sit on his bed to talk. It’ll be fine.

Yeah, why do I have a feeling that I’m lying to myself?

I wave to Robyn, who wiggles her fingers back at me before sipping from her second drink.

“Are you going to be okay to drive?” I ask her.

She waves her hand and points to a table to her left. “I have friends sitting there. I’ll bring a chair over and crash with them. Stay a bit longer.”

“And have another?”

“Depends, but if I do have a third, I’ll let someone else drive me home. I’m not stupid.”

“I didn’t mean to imply—”

“Nah, girl! You’re fine. You’re looking out for me, and I appreciate that, but right now, I keep thinking about one thing, and I don’t think it’s a good idea, and I really need to be around people so I don’t do this.”

I shake my head. “I can’t figure out what any of that means,” I say with a laugh.

“Derrick and Jason.” She crisscrosses her fingers. “All three of us. Very bad idea. I don’t think Derrick would go for that, but to have his mouth and Jason’s cock… Shit! Shit, shit, shit. All right. Um, yeah. Stick with the girls. Girls’ night tonight. No calling up either guy.” She stares at me, and I realize her eyes are already a little glassy. “Do you want to take my phone from me? Might be smart.”

“If you really want me to,” I murmur.

“No. I can handle myself. I’ll be fine. I want my phone in case you want to text or call with updates about Robbie.” She laughs and laughs.

I remain sitting there, watching her as she puts more money on the table to cover the rest of the bill and the tip. She walks over to her friends without wobbling at all, and it’s only because she seems to be all right and has sat down with the others that I can bring myself to stand.

Before I have the chance to turn around, there’s already a hand on my lower back.

“Are you ready to get out of here?” Rob asks.

“Might as well,” I agree.

He directs me out to the parking lot. He and his friends parked their bikes right in front of the place.

“You willing to ride?” he asks.

“Why wouldn’t I be?”
