Page 29 of The Grim Reapers

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His lips quirk, and I think he might want to laugh at that, but he doesn’t, of course.

“And if they’re soft,” I add.

“You think you can’t get a guy hard, huh? Definitely not multiple guys at the same time.”

I snort. “You’re the one asking me how many I can fit.”

I might talk a good game enough for people to think I’m a lot more experienced than I am, but I know how guys’ minds work, and I have done this on occasion to shut them up.

I hold up a fist, open my mouth wide, and cram the first into my mouth.

Yes, I can legit do that.

I don’t know why guys go crazy when they see it because it’s not as if their cocks are going to be anywhere close to the size of my fist.

“So maybe two or three,” I say once I’ve removed my fist.

Gabe just shakes his head. “You probably don’t need to guess. I bet you’ve already had more than one cock in your mouth.”

“Really? Slut-shaming? Is that the best you can do?”

“Trust me,” Gabe says, coming closer to me. “That isn’t the best I can do, but if you’re going to mess with my boy, you better believe that you’re going to get the worst of me and the rest of us. In case you don’t know and haven’t heard, but we’re the Grim Reapers, and we’ll come after you.”


Lunchtime comes around,and I head to the cafeteria. I had eaten lunch at my dorm room yesterday, mostly because I had been feeling out of sorts. Robyn wanting to go out for dinner yesterday had been a godsend.

But I’m starting to recognize a few people from my classes, and I figure I can start to make more friends. It came easily enough to me after the bullying in my early school years ended. Why shouldn’t it be easy now too? Especially since other freshman are, no doubt, hoping to make friends too.

I order an Italian sub, grab a bag of barbeque chips and a bottle water, and head to the check out line. The cashier might be a college student. His face is a bit pimply, his mustache barely visible on his upper lip, and he doesn’t even look at me as he takes my food card and swipes it before handing it back, all without a word.

“Thank you,” I say, but he’s already reaching for the card from the student behind me.

A grimace crosses my face, but I force myself to walk away and even manage to plaster a smile on my face. Let’s see. There has to be a familiar face in here or at least a friendly one.

My gaze roves over the place. It’s crowded. There aren’t many available seats, and when I spy a couple leaving a table for two, I hurry over. At least it won’t look too poorly if I sit there all by myself.

Before I can reach it, though, a girl claims one of the seats. That’s fine. I can ask her if I can sit—Nope. A guy sits across from her, and they stare at each other like they’re each other’s moons and stars.

Gag me.

I look around again. A larger table has a group leaving, and at this point, I just want to sit and eat and be done with it so I can leave. I head on over and sit down.

Not two seconds later, someone sits across from me.

Not just anyone.


“I heard a rumor,” he says.

I say nothing and take a bite of my sandwich.

“Oh, come now. From what I heard, you could take a much larger bite than that.”

He’s trying to rile me up, but I ignore him.

Something strikes me. Nothing hard. I glance down involuntarily and see a piece of popcorn on my lap.
