Page 53 of The Grim Reapers

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“Running can make you smarter,” he says. “There have been studies that prove it.”

“There have also been studies done that suggest that chewing gum helps with retaining or recalling information for tests,” Zac says.

I snort. “Of course you guys would know about hacks to studying,” I say. “Do you also try to make sure you only have female professors so that you can flirt with them and earn good grades that way?”

Gabe snatches the ball from my hand. “You act as if we are nothing but talking cocks.”

“That’s how you act so…”

“That’s not how we act at all,” Zac argues. “Because if we were like hat, wouldn’t we be trying to get into your pants?”

“Rob’s laid claim to you,” Ace says.

“I am not Rob’s,” I snap. Fury has my hands tightening into angry fists. If Rob were here, I would deck him.

“We have a pack,” Zac adds.

“What? You can’t go after another guy’s girl? That’s how it should be, but I’m not Rob’s. If one of you were to try to date me, maybe I would… No, no, I wouldn’t consider any of you because you’re all assholes. Are you really going to continue to try to make my life a living hell? Because honestly, the words, the stunts like the ball in my soup… is that really the best you can do? It’s juvenile and immature, and it doesn’t become you. You need to grow the hell up. You’re juniors, right? You’re going to graduate next year. How the hell are you going to survive in the real world if all you’re going to do is stupid pranks if a girl doesn’t do something one of you wants?”

Ace scowls at me, his eyes somehow darker than normal. I can’t even see the pupil anymore. That’s how black his eyes are.

“When you constantly have to live up to another’s ideals…” He clenches and unclenches his fist many times, his gaze on the floor. His jaw is tight. Even his neck muscles seem tense. His entire body is rigid.

What the hell? Who makes him feel this way? Someone else seems to have him on a string, and he hasn’t been able to find a way to cut himself loose.

Still doesn’t give him the right to treat me like shit, though.

“Don’t give her the time of day,” Gabe says.

He seems to be on edge, too, after my speech. His arms are crossed, and his left thumb is rubbing a spot on his right bicep as if he’s injured there. At first I think his one eyelid is twitching, but eh closes his eyes so I can’t tell for certain. When he finally opens them again, he releases a breath and visibly relaxes.

Dude, maybe he should learn yoga. Or maybe he’s taken a class or had a yoga instructor for a girlfriend for a time and already knows how to use breathing techniques to calm down.

Gabe notices that I’m watching him, and his lips twitch, like he doesn’t know if he should frown or smile, and finally, he settles on that smile of his that I’m sure wins a shit ton of girls’ hearts.

“I’m not worth your time, right?” I ask him. “Why not leave then?”

“Why do you try to act like a tough girl?” he counters. “You can’t pull it off.”

“No? Why not? Maybe it’s not an act, for one thing, and for another—”

“Why do you have to break Rob’s spirit all the time?” Zac asks.

I burst out laughing. “Yeah, right. I’m sure that’s happened.”

“You fucked him up in the head,” Ace agrees.

“It’s not right for a girl to have such. Hold on a guy, and to just treat him like shit all the time… it’s abuse.”

“Gabe, you have no idea what’s abuse and what isn’t,” I snap. “Unreal. Is that why you’re all ganging up on me? Is Rob telling you this shit? That I broke his spirit? Fuck! That’s not true at all.”

“Are you sure about that?” Zac asks, his tone almost too serious.

I shake my head. “I don’t have some kind of hold over Rob,” I protest.

“You do. You’re a witch,” Gabe says. “You put a spell on him. We’ve been trying to host parties, and he’ll disappear.”

“You’re inviting girls over specifically so he can have a random hook-up, but he clearly doesn’t want that so… Where exactly do I fit into this? Maybe Rob wants to have a more serious relationship than just bending a girl over and fucking her from behind.”
