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When I makeit back to my dorm, I realize I don’t want to be there at all. Maybe it’s because I’m worried that my father will show up again, but I’m avoiding my room for now, for better or worse.

Instead, I opt to just walk around campus a bit. The library is right there, not that I brought along any to my work to do, not that I'm in the right frame of mind to study or work on essays or papers. But over here, at this time of day, while classes are still going on, it's dead, and I risk making a phone call to Erika. I don't have her schedule memorized either, but she can call me back when she has the chance.

I blow out a breath, and I hate listening to the rings. Three rings, four… I’m gonna have to leave her a message.

I hate leaving messages.

“Katie, hey! What’s going on?”

“Erika! I thought you weren’t going to pick up.”

“What’s going on?”

I hesitate. I don’t want to mention my father, not yet at least. I don’t want to waste my breath talking to him or about him.

Which means there’s one other topic I can talk about.

“So… I need your advice.”

“About what?” Erika asks.


Erika laughs and laughs. “Like I can tell you advice on guys. I mean, I am the girl who couldn’t choose between four hot guys.”

“Yeah, yeah…”

“How are things between you and Rob? You two didn’t have a fight, did you?”

“Define fight,” I mumble.

“Oh, no! Tell me what happened.”

"Well, everything was wonderful. We went on a date, and it was amazing. Dinner and a movie, which I know seem boring and dull, but we made it fun."

“That’s how it is when you find the one,” Erika says.

“Or when you don’t have only one… or is it like that with all of them?”

“We aren’t talking about me right now,” she reminds me. “Go on.”

“So, we finished the movie—”

“How was it, by the way?”

“Um, good.”

“Just good?”

“Well, the parts of the movie that I saw were, yeah.”

She snickers. “I had a feeling. You’re going to have to watch that movie again, aren’t you?”

“Yes, and not with Rob, or else we might get distracted again.” My laugh turns into a sigh.

“So, what happened next?”
