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Margie cries softly from her spot next to me, and I smile at her. Her fingers move across the strings of the guitar slowly, and I know where she’s going with this.

“Who wants to hear Pistol?” I yell into the mic. A resounding yes is heard throughout, and Bristol counts us in.

We play our hearts out for the rest of the night, leaving every scar, hurt and emotion on the stage. For Alex. For us. While he might not be here with us, he’s here with us–you can feel it.

The End.


White lace falls over my eyes, and the view in front of me becomes hazy. My shoulders feel bare without my leather jacket, and the missing weight makes me itchy. My reflection in the mirror in front of me makes my heart drop. The sleeveless gown shows off the tattoos I paid good money for, and the black combat boots adorning my feet remind me that this is my wedding. The one I always wanted. There are no swans in the yard, there aren’t any famous people here other than the ones we know personally, and it probably won’t make every news outlet in the country, but that’s exactly what we wanted.

“Are you ready, Tol?” My dad asks from the doorway, his black button down and tie suiting him much better than the last time we did this. I spin from my spot in the middle of the room, the slim-fitted dress following my movement. “You look absolutely beautiful.”

“Ready as I’ll ever be.” I smile, I can practically feel the happiness radiating off of me today. I step over to the window and look down at the chairs lined up in small rows and the hanging twinkling lights adorning the trees. I spot the groomsmen on the other side of the small yard. Their black suits give them away instantly, and I search the group until I spot him. Andrew stands in the middle of the small group. He smiles proudly, and I watch as he throws his head back laughing.

“Should I have worn my Nikes?” My dad asks as he steps up beside me. His elbow nudges my arm in teasing.

“Nope. I got it right this time, Dad.” I smile, and as if Andrew can feel my eyes on him, he looks up towards the top window. I take a step back, not wanting him to see me yet. Andrew’s sisters appear in the doorway of the room too, followed by Maggie, Blake, and Julie; they’re dressed in black bridesmaid dresses, and as soon as they see me in my gown, they all file into the room to gush about how pretty I look.

“It’s time.” Marv says from the doorway, and the girls grab their bouquets from the side table.

We all line up accordingly and my hand finds my dads. The photographer clicks picture after picture of us as we stand by the stairs.

“Okay, let’s go!” I yell, anxious to get this show on the road. The girls laugh as they take the stairs down to the lower level.

I watch from my spot as the girls walk down the aisle, each of them holding the arm to one of the groomsmen.

When the last one has gone and the flower girls start to walk, a little voice clears their throat over the PA system.

I look over to the stage as I make my way towards the aisle. Our little boy stands on the stage in his tux, and at five, he’s just as handsome as Andrew is and just as mischievous.

I look at Andrew, who’s smiling at me, his eyes holding so much love it’s palpable. He nods to Alex and my heart catapults to my throat as my little boy starts to sing into the microphone in his hand.

“This one’s for you, Mommy.” He says, his little voice carrying throughout the lawn of Pistol in the Petals. The lake behind us carries the sound further down the water.

The days bleed into night

I know I’ll be fine with you right by my side

The city lights don’t hold a candle to your smile

Don’t worry baby, I’ll be waiting at the end of the aisle.

My eyes well as I walk toward the man of my dreams, while the little boy who made me a mom, sings our love song. He continues singing like the tiny rockstar in the making he is, and everyone in the crowd swoons from his soft voice.

When I make it to the end of the aisle, the tears I tried to keep behind my mascara break free as Andrew pulls me into his arms and sings the last verse into my ear.

“I’m cashing in on forever, babe.” He says as he lets me go.

“Promise?” I ask with a smile.

“I swear.” He smiles back.
