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Me: Would you want me to?

Ceebee: Maybe…

I swallowed hard, suddenly feeling too hot in my clothes as I looked around. I wasn’t sure what I was looking for. An excuse to sneak into the kitchen so I could find out exactly what Charlie wanted?

Kasey raised a brow at me as she gave me a onceover, and I ducked my head because I knew my cheeks were flushed. Did Charlie really mean that? Were they saying what I thought they were?

Me: This is not the place for this convo, but I def want to talk more about it. Later, okay?

Ceebee: Okay. <3

The heart emoji made me grin as I put my phone back into my pocket and tried to get back to work, even as a part of my mind dwelled over what exactly Charlie was interested in and what all I might get to do with them. Tonight was going to be so much fun.

I’d just finished making sure my hair looked perfect, and I was ready to go when there was a knock at the front door. Cherry’s excited barks told me exactly who it was, and I opened the door with a wide grin to see Charlie standing there with a bunch of roses in their hand. It was a testament to how well they really knew me that the roses were red, yellow, pink, and even orange in color. Charlie seemed to know that singular color was not my thing.

Since Charlie had said they’d made a reservation, I’d assumed we were going somewhere upscale, so I was dressed in one of my less…flaunty outfits. I wore a soft blue, button-down shirt with sleeves that ended above my elbow and had a glitter lining—because of course I couldn’t wear something completely dull—and dark-blue skinny jeans that I knew made my ass look good. I did not want to look dull or unlike myself, so I’d paired the outfit with black heels that made it so I was almost nose-to-chin with Charlie.

Charlie, on the other hand, was dressed in what I’d deemed as their style. They wore a long, black top that ended at their mid-thighs with a light gray cashmere coat that I really wanted to touch and see if it was as soft as it looked. They’d paired the outfit with black leggings and ankle boots and they looked absolutely phenomenal. I loved watching them explore and find their style, and these clothes suited them perfectly.

“You look stunning, Charlie,” I told them, and I couldn’t hide my smile as a soft blush spread across their cheeks. They looked me up and down, their gaze slowly perusing every inch of me and making me shiver.

“You look as gorgeous as ever.”

I smiled widely at them as I took the flowers, breathing in the faint scent. I was surprised the fragrance was natural and not the sprayed-on kind.

“Thank you. Let me just put them in a vase, and then we can go. Tell me about this restaurant we’re going to.” I walked over to the vase I kept on the cabinet near the flatscreen and peeked in, glad there was water in it and I wouldn’t have to waste time filling it. I put the flowers in and took a last sniff before turning to face Charlie again.

They scratched their beard, something I’d realized was a nervous tic of theirs, as they spoke. “Uh, it’s a four-star Italian restaurant, Il Piacere. It’s got great ratings, and I’d wanted to check it out.”

“Sounds good. I did feel like some Italian. How about a walk in the park or something afterward? It seems like a good night to be outside.” August was just around the corner, so the nights were starting to cool down a bit. They still weren’t as cold as I liked them to be, but it’d be cool enough to take a walk.

“A walk sounds perfect.”

“Great. Let’s go then.”

“Wait,” Charlie said, grabbing my hand before I moved away. My eyes flicked up to theirs, loving the closeness between us thanks to my heels, and Charlie leaned closer, pulling me into a gentle kiss. The kiss was full of care, want, and a promise of something good. It was sweet, and yet it made my heart race in my chest as they pulled me closer. Charlie rarely took control of the kiss, but now that they were doing it, I didn’t want to stop.

“Happy birthday,” they whispered against my lips, their warm breath washing over me. They kissed me again, a chaste one this time, before pulling away.

“Let’s go,” they said, and I wanted to tell them I would. I’d follow them anywhere.



Ichewedmylipsnervously as I parked the car. The last time we’d gone on a date in a restaurant, it hadn’t ended all that well. I’d tried to wear my old clothes in an attempt to fit in and only ended up making myself more uncomfortable. In the end, we’d ended up going home, though Brady hadn’t been the slightest bit annoyed with me.

Today was Brady’s birthday, though, and I wanted this night to be perfect. I’d worn one of my favorite outfits, and I was prepared to deal with anything that came at us. I wouldn’t give anything the chance to ruin this night. “Wait here, please,” I told Brady before climbing out of the car. By now, he knew what I intended to do, so he just grinned when I opened his car door and extended my hand.

“Thank you, sweetie,” Brady murmured as he took my hand, and I shot him a smile as we walked to the entrance.

The hostess gave us a polite smile as she inquired, “Do you have a reservation, sir?”

I’d been prepared to hear the honorific, and I let it roll off me as I returned her smile. “Yes, we do. It’s under De Luca.”

The hostess checked her file and nodded before waving someone over. “Amelia will lead you to your table. Enjoy your dinner!”

An older woman walked over to us, a frown marring her face as soon as she saw our joined hands. Brady rolled his eyes at me, and I grinned as she wordlessly led us to a cute little table in the corner. It was far enough from the closest tables that we could talk without getting overheard, and the setting itself was pretty romantic, with a candle burning in a bowl of water and a small vase with a rose set in the center of the table.
