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Then he carried her to bed.

And he made love to her again in the softness of the sheets. And he thought... This was more than he had ever sought to build for himself.

He had been given back a piece of something.

He may never have a whole heart.

But perhaps she could be that heart.

When he did things that pleased her, then he would know. He would know that it was right. That he was right.

He would know.

And he slept with that knowledge, with that comfort.

He might be broken beyond repair. But there were places she had put him back together, and where he could not be... She could be his compass.

He held her. All night long.

And for the first time in memory, he dreamed of the future.

And he did not despise what he saw.


THATNIGHTWITHKrav had been transformative. Whatever had happened between them... Whatever had happened in him. He had held her.

And he had kept on doing it in the days since.

They had begun to share a bed every night.

But it was different than the time they had spent together on the Amalfi Coast. Different than that reckless, sexual affair.

Not that what was between them wasn’t deeply sexual, it was.

But there was something else to it. He truly let her make love to him.

But he...

He was still holding himself back. Of that she was certain. He was still... Fighting something. Fighting the two of them.

It was a subtle thing, but she felt it. That there was a resistance inside of him that didn’t want to crumble. And yet... He had softened.

It wasn’t that she didn’t still look at him and see a predator. She did. Because he was. Every bit as dangerous as he had always been. But something in him had changed.

Still, she didn’t quite... She didn’t quite know where they were at.

And she didn’t quite know how to approach him. He had hurt her. Many times. And if there was anything she had learned in life it was how to protect herself. She had been foolish with him on multiple occasions. Had held her beating heart out to him only to have him reject it. Or worse, crush it beneath his boot heel.

She didn’t want to do that again. For obvious reasons.

A fool’s errand, as it was.

And then he suggested they go to the Amalfi Coast.

And she had no idea if she was ready to visit the site of her previous degradation. But she agreed. Because... She felt compelled to follow this path they were on.

She felt like there might be answers there.
