Page 122 of My Retribution Too

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Oh shit! I glanced up and searched the parking lot. I could have sworn I heard her outside the truck.

“I need backup,” Brad rushed out, his voice elevated and frantic. “I can’t deliver my baby’s baby with this crowd growing around me.”

“Fuck! Brad this fucking hurts.” We heard Ayana cry out.

“Which Kroger are you at?” Lock asked. He opened his door and stood on the running board.

“I’m at the Kroger off the tollway close to our house.”

Lock glanced around then leaned back into the cab of the truck. “I see you. Alright, bro. I’m coming. I’m already here. I’ll call the guys.”

“Don’t you call Derek. With his perverted ass!” Ayana called out. I laughed.

“If he’s around, sweetheart, he’s going to be there.” Lock told her and hung up.

Lock started the truck and peeled out of the parking lot. He turned on his lights and sirens and called Ivey.

“Yeah, I need back up sent to Kroger off the tollway on Parker. Ayana is having her baby in the car, in the fucking parking lot.”

“Oh shit, seriously? Crazy thing, I’m already here. I’m at the light? Derek and Sol are with me too.”

Lock and I met eyes. What were the freaking odds?

“Well haul ass.”

“Already here.”

I could hear sirens in the distance. As we barreled down the parking lot toward Brad’s BMW SUV. The hatch of the SUV was up, and Brad was standing on the outside a blanket hanging over the back. He peeked out and I swear his body literally heaved a sigh of relief.

Lock parked directly behind Brad, in a diagonal causing the people to have to back up. One of the Kroger managers came rushing out with a bucket full of water.

I glanced at Lock and told him, “Hey, there’s some towels in the back of the truck in that bin we just picked up from storage. They’re clean. I’m sure he needs some of those.”

“Okay, I’ll get them.”

He jumped out and walked around the truck to help me. Ivey pulled up and blocked the other side of Brad’s SUV. There were a few people complaining about not getting to their cars but one look from Lock and everyone kind of waited around on their phones, talking to friends and loved ones about their unfortunate delay. Good thing it was mid-morning on a Sunday. The parking lot wasn’t that crowded.

I made my way around the truck to the back passenger side door. I opened it and caught a death glare from Ayana. When she saw it was me, her face melted into a smile until she was hit with more pain.

“Gotdammit, what are you doing down there? Get this baby out of me.”

“Ayana, I need you to calm down, okay?” Brad instructed, his voice hard and strong.

Ayana seemed to melt. “I will, I’m sorry baby. I love you.”

“I know. I love you too. Fuck, thank you for the towels.”

Ayana sat up, “Are they clean? They didn’t come from that dirty ass store, did it?”

“No, sweetie,” I cut in when the Kroger manager frowned, hurt plastered on his face. “They came from our storage unit. They’re clean, promise.”

“Oh you’re a life saver. Thank you. Oh fuck, Brad. I have to push I have to push.”

Derek opened the other door and crawled inside.

“Fuck you, Derek, this is your fault. You cursed me. Get out!”

He laughed. “Fat chance. I need to push you up so you can get this watermelon of a baby out of you. You want that don’t you?”

“Oh, yes please, help, thank you,” she said sweetly, smiling up at him.

I shook my head. This pregnancy had this woman’s emotions changing like night and day.

So, my bestie had a beautiful baby boy in the parking lot of Kroger on Parker, off the Dallas Tollway. Ironically, she named the baby Parker. He was a whopping eight pounds and twenty-two inches long. With a set of lungs that could quiet a parking lot full of onlookers.

I met the wide tear-filled eyes of Lock after he saw his nephew being born. We both smiled at each other knowing that this will be us soon. Well, I refused to give birth in the parking lot of Kroger. Fuck that!

But hell, Ayana didn’t expect to either so… there’s that!

Pray from me, y’all. I’m going to need it.
