Page 38 of My Retribution Too

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But Byron didn’t care. He had this irrational hard-on for this bitch since Afghanistan. He had no idea why. Wasn’t much to her. She had a great set of tits, though. He remembered that back when Byron let them see her fully naked, tied up and on display for their enjoyment. Byron was always selfless like that. He even let them touch her, squeeze her breasts. He had been looking forward to fucking them too until things went to shit. But they dodged a bullet with her. Byron should have left her alone, but he was a psycho when it came to that woman. Something about wanting shit he couldn’t have.

The Senator even told him to stay away from the girl when he was discharged from the Army, but did the fucker listen? No. And here they were…

“Okay, I get shit went south,” Case went on to say. “You didn’t get to grab her. But maybe that’s a good thing. To me this is fate telling you to leave that bitch alone.”

Byron shot to his feet and stormed toward Case. He reached behind his back, pulled out his gun and put it to Case's temple.

“I’ll blow your fucking head off if you call her a bitch one more time. She’s my bitch to call. She’s my bitch to own. I don’t give a fuck about that cop. I’ll put a bullet right between his eyes. You feel me? She’s mine and I will have her.”

They stared into each other’s eyes for a long moment before Case nodded once at Byron.

He slowly removed the gun from Case’s head, put it back into the holster at his back and stepped back.

Case let out a long sigh. The man was so far gone over this woman it was unreal. Maybe her pussy was lined with gold or something. He remembered Byron had said that her pussy was tighter than a virgin’s ass, which if that was true, Case could understand why he was losing his mind. He remembered the piece of virgin ass he had back in sand land. That was the best shit he ever had, tight and wet as fuck. Her tits weren’t fully developed yet, but it didn’t matter to him. All he wanted was to sink his dick in Afghan pussy and he did that and more. So did most of the men in his unit. Just thinking about all the pussy he had back then made his body come alive from the memory alone and knew it was time he went hunting again. He had been taking a break helping his boss. Maybe it was time he got back on the prowl. But before he could do that, he needed to get this fucker off his case.

“I need another plan, one that will get that fucking cop out of the picture. Did we find out where he lives?”

“Yeah, we have his address,” Case answered, running his fingers through his dark hair. “But he has a top notch security system surrounding his place. There’s no way we can get in or get close. There are a shit load of cops living in and around his house too. Plus, the surrounding homes also have cameras. It would be suicide if we took him out at home. He’s always surrounded by his team so it’s hard to get him while he’s out.”

“I don’t want to hear how hard it is to get him. There has to be a way. This fucker isn’t the President of the United fucking States. There has to be a time where he’s vulnerable. Make it happen. Get Green on it. He needs to make up for the fuck up at the hotel. Get with him and figure out a way.”

“Listen, we may have bigger things to deal with than the detective.”

“Oh yeah? Like what?” Byron kicked over a piece of the TV on his way back to the only piece of furniture still whole, the chair he previously occupied.

“The cartel is after Phoebe.”

Byron paused before sitting, his brows furrowed together.

“What do you mean the cartel?”

Case went into the story about a woman who was killed by her cartel boyfriend and Phoebe was listed as a witness.

“You’re saying my Phoebe is in bed with the cartel?”

“No. Her friend was, or that’s what I read. The report says she was there. It doesn’t say she witnessed anything, she just called the cops, but the cartel thinks otherwise a.d guess who the cartel is?” Case didn’t wait for his boss to ask he revealed, “The Santos family.”

Byron's eyebrows rose. “You’ve got to me kidding me.

Case shook his head. “I’m afraid not. The guy we’ve been working with for months Miguel Santos, your buddy, has put a hit out on Phoebe. He wants her dead. And get this, hos uncle is pissed too and now he's looking for him because the girl the stupid fuck killed was the daughter of another cartel boss Muñoz from Houston. And now Muñoz is looking for Miguel, too, especially after he found out he was the one responsible for killing his daughter.”

“This sounds like a fucking Mexican soap opera chick flick. What does that have to do with me?”

Case went to the destroyed couch and sat down on the ruined cushion.

“Everything. What if Miguel gets to Phoebe before we’re able to grab her? He’s going to kill her. Then what? You said you wanted her. If that’s the case, you need to get to her first.”

Byron leaned back into his chair and rubbed his chin with his finger and thumb. “You’re right. No one is going to kill her but me.”

Byron grew silent deep in thought and Case waited him out patently. It only too a few seconds before a wicked smile spread across his face. What if we use Miguel to our advantage?”

“What do you mean?”

“You said it yourself, he’s looking for Phoebe. He knows the underground crime world better than you and me. He’d proven it time and time again. I’m sure he has some idea on how to find her and grab her. Maybe we can work together to make this happen.”

“I don’t know, boss. You know from experience that fucker is not all there. He’s a drug addict, unstable and stupid as fuck. He killed his girlfriend then left her body right there. He didn’t clean up his mess right away like he should have done. He could fuck up everything we built.”

Byron waved him off and smiled. “That’s why we offer our services tohim. Helphimaccomplish his goal. After all, despite what you think, I don’t want to be with Phoebe. Fuck that. No, I want to kill her to make sure no one else has her. It’s only right, right?”
