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There. That sounded nice and professional, and not at all like I was completely gobsmacked by her mere presence in the shop.

She smiled — a genuine-looking smile with just a touch of rueful amusement in it. “Oh, I’m not here to shop,” she replied. “Although it does look as though your store has a great many lovely things in it. No, I wanted to apologize.”

About all I could do was blink at her. Was I hearing things? Had Delia Standingbear just offered toapologizeto me?

“You don’t need to do that — ”I began, but she shook her head.

“Oh, yes, I do.” She paused there, as if gathering herself. That morning, she was looking very chic in a black wool coat with slim jeans and a simple black sweater underneath, her only adornment a pair of turquoise earrings and a matching chunky cuff on one arm. “I know it’s no real surprise to you that we were less than happy to hear Calvin was dating an outsider.”

I did my best not to wince at the word. It might have sounded harsh, but it was only the truth. To the San Ramon tribe, I truly was an outsider. “No, it’s not a surprise,” I replied. “Calvin warned me from the beginning.”

“But you didn’t let those warnings bother you.”

“No,” I said. “I care too much for Calvin to let something like that stop me.”

She gave a very small nod. “Yes, that was something I didn’t want to acknowledge at first. Raymond and I were harsh because we didn’t think you were what was best for our son, even though you told us that the…unusual…nature of our tribe was of no concern to you, since you also have a great deal of experience with phenomena that are out of the ordinary.”

I didn’t tell her it was okay, because it definitely wasn’t. At the same time, I needed to know what had caused this change of heart.

“And yet you’re here now,” I said.

Delia’s expression was very solemn. “Yes, I am,” she replied. “When I saw you with Calvin on Saturday night — ”She broke off there as she paused, clearly trying to find the correct words to say. A breath, and she went on, “That is, when I saw you walking alongside one another, holding hands, you both looked so happy, so natural. And that was when I realized the most important thing was my son’s happiness, not the traditions our people have followed for generations. He cares for you so much that he was willing to break with that tradition, to jeopardize his relationship with us, and I have to acknowledge the power of those feelings. So I came here today to tell you that you have my blessing.”

Relief flowed through me…and yet I also realized that she’d been only speaking of herself during the conversation. “And what about your husband?” I asked.

Her mouth drooped slightly, but she met my gaze square on and said, “He hasn’t come to this point yet. But he will — because I’ll make sure he does. I have heard good things about you, Selena, and even if you aren’t one of our people, I still believe now that you are the best thing for my son. And so you do not have to worry about any more resistance from me.”

A tension I hadn’t even realized I was holding in my shoulders seemed to ease. Maybe not all the way — after all, Raymond didn’t seem to be on board yet — but I had to hope he’d come around in time.

At least now I had Delia on my side.

“Thank you,” I said quietly. “That means a lot. Because I really do love Calvin. I’ve never felt this way about anyone else.”

In response, she came close and gave me a brief, fierce hug. No words, but she touched my hand as she let go, and offered me a quick smile.

After that, she let herself out. When the door shut behind her, the bells hanging from it sang a happy little song.

This sure felt like a Christmas miracle to me.


Yule Never Know

The restof the day breezed by, with the shoppers I’d been expecting showing up in droves after that surprising meeting with Delia Standingbear. I got a quick text from Calvin in the afternoon during one of the few times I actually had a spare moment to stop and catch my breath.

My mother said she talked to you. Are you both okay now?

Very okay,I sent back.Don’t know about your dad, but baby steps, right?

Right,he replied.Wish I could see you tonight.

Because, as luck would have it, that Monday he wouldn’t be off until nine.

Same here,I told him.But I’ll see you tomorrow, and then you’re off, right?

Unless something unexpected happens. But let’s think good thoughts. Love you — I’ll see you tomorrow.

That was the end of the exchange, but it still left a happy feeling inside me. All I had to do was hope for another miracle, and maybe Raymond Standingbear would see the light, too. However, at least now Calvin’s parents weren’t presenting a united front against me.
