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I briefly explained my encounter with Jack Faulkner, and how he’d gone to Chief Lewis and confessed all. “I’m not sure what’s going to happen next,” I concluded. “But it doesn’t sound as though Jack is going to be in any real trouble, although I’m not sure what’s going to happen with Miriam.”

“That’ll be up to the D.A.,” Calvin said, echoing what Henry Lewis had told me. “I’m glad it all worked out okay, though. What time do you want me over tomorrow?”

“Around four?” I suggested. “I’m closing the shop at three, and that’ll give me some time to get the house together and our feast started.”

“You’re not doing anything too elaborate, are you?” he asked then, sounding a bit worried. “You’ve worked so hard these past few weeks. Maybe we should just get takeout or something.”

“Calvin Standingbear, I am not eating takeout on Christmas Eve,” I said severely. “And all I’m doing is roasting a duck and making some sides. Dessert will be courtesy of Cloud Coffee, just like our Yule dinner. It’ll be fine.”

“If you’re sure — ”

“I’m sure,” I said, making sure my tone was firm enough that he’d realize I wouldn’t accept any more protests on the subject.

He seemed to get the hint, because after that he told me my plan for Christmas Eve dinner sounded wonderful. Then it was, “I love you,” and we ended the call there.

After I set the phone down on the coffee table, I looked up to see Archie advancing into the living room, expression one of severe annoyance. “What, Lothario isn’t going to grace us with his presence this evening?”

“No,” I said, refusing to let the cursed cat irk me. Not this close to Christmas. “He’s with his family at his sister’s place. She just had a baby.”

Several of Archie’s whiskers lifted in a sneer. “That’s just what the world needs…more Standingbears.”

Count to ten,I told myself, even as I thought that the world would probably be a much better place if it had lots more Standingbears in it.

However, I had a feeling that particular argument wouldn’t hold much water with my cursed cat, and so I let the snarky comment pass. Instead, I said, “You and I need to talk, Archie.”

“We have nothing to talk about.”

The way his tail lashed from side to side and his golden eyes narrowed told me a different story.

“Yes, we do,” I said calmly. “So jump up on the armchair, and we’ll have a chat.”

Archie hesitated for a moment, then stalked over to the chair and leaped onto the cushion before settling himself Sphinx-like, paws in front of him as he faced straight toward me. “Very well,” he said. “However, I would like to state in advance that I doubt this will be a very productive conversation.”

“Don’t psych yourself out before we even get started,” I returned. Then I let out a breath and said, “Look, I know this is difficult for you, but have I let you down so far? I’ve always made sure you were taken care of, and that’s not going to stop just because Calvin and I are engaged. For one thing, we’re looking at late May or early June for the wedding, and so that gives us months and months. We might break the curse before then.”

This hopeful comment only earned me a sour look. “You’ve had months and months already, and absolutely nothing has changed.”

Since that was only the truth, I couldn’t do much to counter Archie’s argument. I gave him an acknowledging nod and said, “Maybe so, but I certainly haven’t given up hope, and neither should you.”

A sniff, but because he didn’t respond otherwise, I felt it safe to go on.

“And even if you are still a cat by the time May or June rolls around, we have options. If you don’t want to live with Calvin and me, you can stay here and have the apartment to yourself.”

“So, you’re just going to abandon me?”

I permitted myself an eye roll at that melodramatic statement. “No,” I said evenly, “of course not. Even when I’m living with Calvin, it’s not as if I’m going to give up the store. I’ll be here every day to check on you and make sure you’re fed and taken care of.”

“The store is closed on Sundays,” Archie pointed out.

“I’ll get you an automatic feeder,” I said. “Or I’ll still come by and check on you. But I’d much rather you came to stay with Calvin and me. I don’t want to think of you being alone so much.”

This comment only made the cursed cat stare at me, expression unreadable. I wanted to think he was taken aback by my words of concern, but I couldn’t be sure. It was just as likely that he was taking his time to come up with a suitably sarcastic response.

When he spoke, however, his tone was oddly noncommittal. “I’ll think about it,” he said, and jumped down from the chair so he could disappear back into my office.

Since this was Archie I was dealing with, I knew that was about as much of a concession as I was going to get. Better than nothing.

Holding back a sigh, I pushed myself up from the couch and headed into the kitchen. Calvin might not be coming over, but I knew I’d earned a glass of wine that day.
