Page 33 of Asher

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He grinned even wider, taking her hand and pressing a kiss to the back of her hand. “Oh, how I have waited to meet you.”

She blinked, taking her hand back. “Um. Thanks?”

“Daisy Lewis,” I said, palming her waist and tugging her against my side. “Meet one of my best friends, Weston Rutherford.”

“Raleigh?” Her brow puckered. “Because you don’t look anything like Bristol.”

Weston’s eyes flared in surprise. “Uh. Yeah. I own the Raptors. You’re thinking of Crossland.”

“Bristol’s brother!” She smiled. “Right!”

“She doesn’t know who you are,” Ethan said, laughing as he appeared in the doorway. “This is awesome. I’m going to remember this for the rest of my life.”

“Of course she doesn’t know who he is,” Brynn muttered, shoving her way past Ethan. She was dressed in a breezy blouse and linen pants, her strawberry blonde hair pinned on top of her head. “It’s not like he’s Ryan Reynolds or anything.”

Weston spun on her. “You have a thing for Ryan Reynolds?”

Brynn rolled her eyes. “Every woman alive has a thing for Ryan Reynolds.”

“It’s true,” Daisy agreed.

“Your room is ready, Mr. Silas,” the older of the two attendants said. “If you’d like to follow us?”

“Absolutely. Thank you,” I answered.

“And look at her, she’s dead on her feet!” Brynn walked forward, pulling Daisy away from me, and tucking her arm with hers. “Let’s get you to your room!” The two walked off after the attendants.

“I’m headed to the bar,” Ethan said. “Meet you there?”

“In a few,” Weston called back over his shoulder as we followed the girls. “You look….” Weston studied me with a quizzical face as we made our way down a wooden path, passing separate villas along the way.

“What?” I was too focused on the swing of Daisy’s hips, the curve of skin between her neck and shoulder, to pay too much attention to Weston.


My eyes snapped to his as we stopped at the last one on the path.

“This one is yours,” the attendant said, opening the door to the private bungalow.

We walked inside and my gaze swept over the interior with an appreciative eye. There was a simple, king-size, four-post bed in the middle of the space, draped with mosquito netting we obviously didn’t need since the room was sealed, but it added to the ambiance. The floors were teak, leading to a sitting room across from the bed, and what looked like a sumptuous bathroom beyond. There was a wall of windows and a sliding glass door revealing a deck that looked out over a private beach. Weston had done well booking this place. It was beautiful.

“This place is gorgeous,” Daisy said, her eyes taking in every detail like she’d need to remember so she could write about it later.

“Two-sided,” the attendant explained, putting Daisy and my bags next to the dresser. “You can see out, but no one can see in.”

“That’s fantastic,” I told him, pulling tip money out of my pocket.

“I claim this one!” Daisy fell backward onto the side of the bed, kicking off her sandals.

“Okay, then off to mine, next,” I said to the attendant, handing him the large bill.

He stared at me in obvious confusion, taking the money slowly. “Yours?”

“My room,” I clarified. “This one is obviously Ms. Lewis’s.”

“About that.” Weston smacked me on the back.

“What about that?” I lifted my brows at him.

“We have only one room,” the older attendant said as I palmed the younger one with another bill.

“Wait. What?” I glanced from the attendant to Weston.

“I made an error in booking. Kind of.” Weston shrugged.

“You don’t make errors.” My jaw clenched. Did I want to climb in there with Daisy? Absolutely. But I also wasn’t about to force my way into her bed by default. It had to be her choice.

“Weston!” Brynn snapped.

“Well, I mean. I thought it was funny.” He rubbed the back of his neck.

“There’s one bed!” Daisy called out, laughing so hard she snorted. “Get it?”

“See?” Weston pointed at her. “She gets it! You brought a romance novelist to the game and there’s only one bed.” He looked her way. “It’s funny, right?”

“It’s epic!” She laughed even harder.

“This isn’t funny.” I shook my head at him.

“Oh, Asher, it’s fine,” Daisy argued, propping herself up on her elbows and cracking a huge yawn. “It’s not like I haven’t spent every waking minute with you for the last month. I think we can survive spending a few unawake ones.” She slapped the bed. “Come on. Get in this bed. I’m too tired to chase you down and drag you in.”

“I cannot believe you thought this was in any way appropriate!” Brynn hissed, smacking the back of her hand against Weston’s chest. “Daisy, you can absolutely share my—”

Weston grabbed her by the waist and slung her over his shoulder. “We’ll see you guys tomorrow!”

“Weston Rutherford, if you don’t put me down, I swear, I’ll—” The door shut behind them.
