Page 35 of Asher

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“Crossland is really missing out,” I said when the guide had finished speaking.

“You’re right,” Asher said, turning to Weston. “You’ve outdone yourself this time, Wes.”

Wes grinned. “This is nothing,” he said. “Wait until I host again. I’ve already got ideas.”

I laughed, but Gareth—who’d arrived late to breakfast but dressed to hike—stood on the other side of him and groaned. “You don’t always have to top the last one,” he said.

I watched the exchange with a writer’s eye, unable to turn it off. If I had to write Gareth, he’d definitely be a mafia boss. He just gave off that tall, dark and murderous vibe without even trying—though he’d been totally nice when Asher introduced us at the dinner a couple weeks ago. He’d said no more than five words, but they were nice.

“You’ve never complained before,” Wes said.

“And I’m not starting now. But at the rate you’re going, I feel like I’ll have to wrestle an alligator or something next.”

I raised my brows. There was no doubt that Gareth could do that, he was the biggest of their little owners club, and when each of them was over six foot and ripped, that was saying something.

Ethan held up his phone, snapping tons of pictures. “I’m going to give Crossland so much shit for opting out. This is breathtaking,” he said, pocketing his phone and sliding his goggles over his head. “I should’ve brought the twins up here with me,” he added, and Asher rolled his eyes.

“You don’t need this view to impress them,” Asher said. “They’re already blown away by the trip.”

Ethan shrugged, and I laughed. He was definitely one of the playboys of the group.

Weston was the adrenaline junkie, but he kept a schedule close to Asher’s.

I still hadn’t figured out who Crossland was, but I couldn’t deny that I was eager to learn more about this group that was so different, but somehow fit perfectly together as friends.

Asher helped adjust my goggles over my eyes, smiling down at me. “You ready?”

“Definitely,” I said, practically bouncing on the balls of my feet. I was sweating, and a little worn out from the hike, but there was legit no place I’d rather be. And I was standing on top of an active volcano about to ride a board all the way down it. But with Asher looking down at me like that? It didn’t seem like such a crazy thing to do.

“See you at the bottom!” Weston called as he situated himself on his board and pushed himself down the side of the volcano.

Gareth and Ethan followed him, whooping as they went.

“This is us,” Asher said, taking my hand and guiding me to a wide, flat board with handles on the sides. He sat down first, on the back, and opened his long, muscular legs, motioning for me to sit between them. I did, my spine pressed against his powerful chest as he tucked me in close.

The position of the board at the top of the volcano gave the perfect view of just how steep the ride would be, and my heart jolted a little at the sight.

Asher’s lips were at my ear, hauling me back to him. “On three,” he whispered, and I nodded, taking a deep breath. “One…two…”

He pushed off on three, and the slight free-fall stole my voice as we soared down the volcano. Dark ash jutted up on either side of us as we raced down the volcano, and Asher wrapped one arm around my stomach, holding me tight against him as we gained speed.

I threw out one hand, squealing an excited cry as I got my bearings, loving the wind on my face and the view of the dunes stretching out by the horizon, making it look like we were flying. I could hear Asher’s laughter behind me, could feel the rumble in his chest when he let out a whoop of his own, and by the time we slowed at the base of the volcano, we were both riding that adrenaline high.

“That was amazing!” I said once we were off the board. I leapt into his arms, wrapping mine around his neck. “Thank you for bringing me, Asher. This is incredible.”

Asher held me tight, not a hint of awkwardness from the night prior lingering between us. This—whatever this was between us—felt natural, and I wasn’t going to waste one second questioning it. Not here, not now, not under these amazing circumstances that he was sharing with me.

“I like this one,” Weston said, high-fiving me once Asher settled me back on my feet.

I grinned at him, taking high-fives from Ethan and Gareth too as we all headed back to the jeep that would take us to the resort, and wondering how the hell I’d managed to get here, on the side of a volcano, with four incredibly wealthy men.
