Page 52 of Asher

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“It’s a hundred percent right,” I fired back, throwing that challenging gaze right back at him. “You’re funny, smart, and sexy as hell. Plus, you have this ability to listen without judgment or give advice that is super endearing. You’re a rare find, on your own, Ash.”

Emotion flickered in his gaze, but he held my stare, calculating and content, just the way he did when waiting out a stubborn person in the boardroom. And he didn’t need to be wearing his suit to look intimidating. Even in his beige hiking pants and blue shirt, he looked downright regal, especially with the vibrant hunter green trees scattered behind him.

“Okay,” he said. “Forget about the money and the plane. What if I didn’t own the Reapers?”

I shrugged. “I loved the Reapers long before I even knew who owned them. That’ll never change.”

He nodded, studying me. Something bright clicked in his eyes, a flash of victory before he’d even opened his mouth. He leaned down closer to my level, the nearness raising awareness in my body. “What if I didn’t have James?”

I gasped, looking at him in faux-shock. “Oh, well, in that case, I’d kick you to the curb.”

Asher laughed, a full-on belly laugh that made my bones feel like warm honey. God, this man. He had the ability to challenge me, center me, and send me into orbit at a moment’s notice.

I was totally in—

Nope, don’t go there.

“That’s harsh, Daisy,” he said through his laughter as we continued our hike.

“I may be lying,” I said as he wound his fingers through mine.

“I may be very good at telling when someone is lying to me,” he said, glancing down at me. “And you most certainly were.”

“Why do you seem so surprised by that?” I asked, noting the way his features had shifted from humor to shock.

He focused on the path ahead of us, a muscle in his jaw ticking. He’d never brought up his romantic past before, not anything beyond the two of us exchanging some ridiculous first date stories, but that look…it made me wonder if he’d been burned too many times by someone who only wanted him for the money or the advantage his position in life could afford them.

And that hurt my heart because he was such a phenomenal man without all the glitz and glamor that came with his life.

“Hey,” I said, tugging on his hand and pulling him off the trail where a bank of southern oaks fanned out in a giant circle. A wooden swing sat in the middle of the little grove and I took a seat on it, Asher settling next to me. “You need to know something, Asher,” I said, and he arched a brow at me.

“Uh oh,” he said. “Is this the part where you tell me you’re married?” he asked. “Or that you’re a spy sent to gain information on me from a rival company?”

I parted my lips, shaking my head. “No…but that’s not a bad storyline.” I quickly grabbed my phone and typed out the line in my notes app, then pocketed it. Asher watched me, patient and used to me doing it by now. “Anyway,” I said, focusing. “What I wanted to say was that I grew up comfortable. Not rich, not poor—comfortable. We had the basic needs, and we’d save for anything luxurious—yearly trips or a new computer. Money to me has always been a necessity, but not a source of happiness.” I motioned to the spectacular view before us, the swing positioned so hikers could take a break and watch the sunset through the breathtaking oaks. “This moment, right here with you, costs nothing, but it means more to me than any five-star resort vacation could.”

Asher visibly swallowed, something in his eyes churning. “Why is that?” he asked, voice low.

“Because I’m with you. The man who makes me laugh every day, the one who tolerates me getting lost in my work for hours at a time or when I stop mid-conversation to write down an idea.” I smiled at him, scooting closer so our thighs touched. “The man who didn’t hesitate to help me when I asked and the man who can steal my breath just by walking in a room.” My cheeks heated with how much I was laying myself bare, but I just couldn’t help it. He needed to know that he deserved to be lo…liked for who he was outside of his wealth. “I’m proud of you for the empires you’ve built and the wealth you’ve generated, but it doesn’t define you, Asher. Not to me. Not ever—”

Asher crushed his lips against mine, kissing me with a hunger that had my heart racing. He slid his fingers into my hair, tilting my head to kiss me deeper with sweeping strokes and warm flicks. Then he pulled me away enough to meet my gaze. “Thank you,” he said, the words so genuine and raw they almost brought tears to my eyes.
