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I put on an animated movie about a fox and a puppy that have adventures together and she snuggles next to me on the couch. I don’t tell her that my question wasn’t just about little space but about DDlg in general and when she falls asleep and I carry her to bed, I wish desperately that I had just asked her to be my little girl instead of hoping she would ask me to be her Daddy.



I imagine Hunter will be very surprised to wake up to the feel of my mouth on his cock. I slip under the blankets and carefully get between his legs. I send up a little prayer of thanks that he sleeps naked and quickly envelops his cock with my mouth. Soft as he is right now, I can actually get my lips almost to the base. I mean, that will change in no time at all, but it still feels very thrilling to me, almost like I’m some kind of a sex goddess. I gently caress his balls and even though I want to giggle at what I’m doing, I force myself to be silent.

I want him to wake up because my mouth is on him, not because he hears me.

He’s growing even though his breathing tells me he’s still asleep. I wonder what’s going through his mind. I wonder if he’s dreaming or if maybe he’s half aware of his body. I don’t know, of course, but the thought is exciting to me. I suck eagerly but not as aggressively as I ordinarily would. I want him to come to awareness gradually. I don’t know. I just think it seems sexy.

I think about yesterday.

God, a total stranger.

I fucked a total stranger.

More to the point, I’m the one who drove it from start to finish. It’s still really hard to wrap my head around that fact.


The cock in my mouth belongs to a person I know for less than twenty-four hours. God, a lot less. I’m not going to take my mouth off his cock to check but it’s probably only been fourteen hours. I can’t believe this man is receiving a blowjob from me after knowing me for only fourteen hours.

It really takes a great deal of effort to keep from giggling about that. For God’s sake, I fucked this man only a few seconds after seeing him!

By now he’s hard as hell and I must be very eager because I’m getting a lot of depth, actually. I think I make it more than halfway down. He enters my throat several times as I move, and somehow I don’t gag. I feel confident and excited actually.

For some reason, I get it in my mind to wonder what might happen if I make him cum, but he doesn’t wake up. Will he even remember it? Will he think he dreamed it? I don’t know why that suddenly appeals to me, but I suck more aggressively and move my hand along with my mouth. I hold his balls a little more firmly and my tongue is in constant motion over his cock as I suck.

“My God!” I say as he kind of jerks awake. I almost giggle but that’s exactly when he starts spurting and I suck firmly as he fills my mouth. He’s so big and so deep I have to swallow like crazy just to keep from choking.

When I pull off of him, he gasps and jumps a little and I giggle. “Good morning, Daddy,” I say.

“Jesus,” he moans.

I laugh and roll off the bed. “I’m going to make breakfast,” I say. “How do you like your eggs?”

“Over-easy,” he says.

“Perfect. Ready in fifteen.”

I walk out of the room, letting my hips sway so he can see my bare ass moving as I leave. I glance behind me when I walk out and confirm that he’s looking exactly where I want him to.

In fifteen minutes, we sit at the table with eggs, buttered toast, sliced oranges, and coffee. I feel wonderful making him breakfast. It feels like we’re already in a relationship and I dare to hope that these fifteen hours will lead to something more long-term.

Those dreams are quelled when I cautiously mention that I enjoyed waking him up this morning and he says, “I loved it too. It was wonderful. That being said, I think that you and I should slow things down until we get to know each other a little better.”

My disappointment must show on my face because he quickly says, “I like you a lot, Cady. I just… I don’t want to rush things.”

I force a smile on my face when I say, “Me either. I think you’re right; we should slow down a little.”

He smiles in relief, and we spend the rest of breakfast in a more casual conversation. When breakfast is done, I excuse myself to go shower. I kiss him goodbye before leaving for the dance studio.

On the drive, I wonder what I should do about the way I feel about Hunter. On the one hand, he’s absolutely right in a practical sense. I’m an adult, and I understand that when you have sex with someone, your brain tricks itself into thinking that you’re in love when you aren’t.

This doesn’t feel like that, though. That’s the way I felt when I slept with my old dance partner. He was boyishly handsome, and I had raging teenage hormones and in the glow of orgasm, I told myself we would be together forever and spend all of that time naked.

With Hunter, there is absolutely sexual attraction, more even than I had with my first crush. Unlike that old crush, though, I feel safe around Hunter and I even have a strong desire to please him and not just with my mouth. It just feels different.
