Page 12 of Intense Biker Daddy

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I nodded. I didn't think Hudson would hurt me. He had already sacrificed so much to keep me safe. "I understand, Daddy."

He groaned softly. "Then come here, baby girl." He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into his lap. I curled up against him, enjoying his arms around me as he held me tight. "Fuck, you're so sweet," he said. "You're beautiful and adorable and completely perfect. You know that, right?"

I smiled a little as I buried my face into his chest, breathing in his scent. "Thank you, Daddy. I'm all yours.”



That day, I took Eva shopping and then to lunch as promised. I bought her some stuffies and picture books and coloring books. I would have bought out the whole store if she asked for it. I couldn't believe she was mine.

Why she would want to settle for someone like me I couldn't imagine. But I was grateful for it. And I would spoil her rotten as long as she let me.

After shopping, we went to lunch at a local diner, where she was able to eat homemade soup and a sandwich. She looked around the place wide-eyed. I couldn't imagine the shock she was going through being back out in the real world after being trapped in that hellhole for so long.

I had no wish to trap her again, so I learned a little more about the town after lunch. it was a small town in the middle of nowhere and according to local news, there wasn't any Demon activity in the town. So it was safe for us to explore a little.

I took her to a small, local park where she lied down on the grass and colored in a coloring book for a bit. She seemed happy to just be out in nature and it was nice to see. I liked seeing her truly happy. She seemed more relaxed and a slight smile graced her face.

I enjoyed it too. It felt like a weight had been lifted off my chest. We were both safe and out of there. Sure, it would be a long road to recovery for both of us. But we'd never have to go back there again, and that's what mattered.

A couple of days later, Chase drove to find us with a car. He knocked on our motel door and Eva immediately dropped the picture book she was reading, her hands shaking with terror.

"It's okay," I whispered as I got up. "I'll go see who it is."

I looked through the peephole to see Chase and I relaxed. "It's just a friend," I said. "Don't worry."

I opened the door and Chase came inside. Eva let out a small whimper as she looked at the big man. I hurried over to her and put my arms around her. She crawled into my lap. "It's okay," I murmured. "You're safe. I'm here."

Chase closed the door and leaned against it, careful to keep his distance. "You must be Eva," he said. "I've heard a lot about you. My old lady is looking forward to meeting you."

She peeked at him curiously before looking up at me. "Old lady?"

"Club slang," I said. "It means significant other. Chase's old lady is named Melody and you'll be able to meet her soon." Chase was a Daddy like me. He had taken in Melody when he opened up his chapter of the Hell's Renegades and established himself as club president. Melody had been homeless when Chase found her, but before that, she had been used by the Demons. She would understand what Eva was going through better than anyone.

I turned to Chase. "What's the news?"

"We did the raid right after you called me. It was messier than planned but no one got seriously injured. And we got the women out. Weren't able to destroy their headquarters, though."

I winced. I knew that was my fault. I had messed everything up. "I'm sorry."

"Don't be. You made the right call." He looked at Eva who was still cowering against me. It would be a while before she was comfortable around strange men. But I was a little touched that she trusted me enough to take care of her.

"When can we go home?" I asked.

"You guys can go now," he said. "They'll be trying to regroup for a while. They won't care about a random car driving through their territory."

"Reaper's their leader now," I said. "That bastard is going to be hell to deal with."

Chase grimaced. "That's a problem for another day. Right now, both of you need to go home and rest. You've earned it."

I wasn't going to argue with that.

I packed up the car with all of our belongings and I drove Eva to my place. The car ride was a couple of hours long, and Eva was quiet. I glanced at her and saw she was asleep. Good. She needed it.

When we got to my house, a small; one-story house right next to downtown Newbury, I carried Eva in while she was sleeping.

My house was just as I'd left it. A couple of club members had been in charge of looking after it, so the yard was mowed and there wasn't even any dust or cobwebs inside the house. Perfect.
