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After taking one final breath, I stepped back and squeezed my eyes closed. “I have to wait a week before we can do anything together. I just got on birth control because of you, okay?”



“You’re on the pill?”

Birth control.

I made Vera Rodriguez get on birth control?

“Yeah, dickhead,” she said, crossing her arms and turning away from me. “I’m not risking getting pregnant, especially by a guy like you. I’m better off forcing myself to take a pill every single day for the rest of my life becauseyoucan’t keep it in your pants.”

“Oh, come on. I’d be a good father.” I laughed. “I’d provide a shit-ton in child support.”

While I tried to brush it off as if it were nothing, something stirred inside me. I didn’t know why, but nerves bubbled up in the pit of my stomach, and I found myself remembering the last time that Vera had been in my room.

We had been kids at the time when her mother brought her over every Saturday, so she could clean our home. Back in those days, Vera would spend hours here, talking about how big our house was. That was when Mom and Dad started to fucking despise their own son, enough to fire Vera’s mom and make me a miserable fucking mess here, alone on the weekends. They had taken away the only few hours of happiness I had every week.

“I don’t care about your money,” Vera said.

At some point during my little daydream, Vera had crossed the room and put a shit-ton of space between us. She now stood near my window, staring out into the backyard as the moonlight glimmered off her tan face.

“What’s the problem then?” I asked, wanting her to continue talking.

When we had been kids, she used to talk for hours and hours and hours while I listened. Now, she barely spoke at all, especially in school.

She pressed her lips together. “You’re the problem.”

“I’m the problem?” I asked, brow raised. “How am I the problem?”

“Because of your attitude.”

I held out my arms. “What’s wrong with my rock-star attitude?”

She snorted, the corner of her lips curling into the slightest of smiles. She tried to hide it, but I caught the smile.

“Rock star, huh? That’s a bit of a stretch. You’re more of an arrogant, annoying asshole who feeds off his parents’ money. I don’t want my son to grow up like that.”

And while what she’d said was true and it hurt, I covered up the pain with another lousy joke and hoped that she would drop any talk about my family. I didn’t like talking about my parents. “So, you want me to give you a son?”

Vera cut her eyes to me and narrowed her gaze. “Did you not hear a word I said?!”

Oh, I had heard everything she said, but I liked getting her riled up.

“Anyway,” she said, turning away from me again and hiding her face behind her brown hair, “don’t feel special. I only got on birth control because I don’t have the money to keep buying Plan B. It’s getting out of hand.”

“Isn’t it only, like, fifty bucks?”

“Only?!” she said. “It takes me, like, five hours to make that much.”

“Shit, really?”


“I’d pay you that much if you just sat on my dick without complaining.”

Vera snapped her head to me again, stormed over with that huffy, puffy attitude that looked sexy as fuck on her, and poked me hard on the chest. “I’m tired of all these little jokes you have tonight. They’re not funny.”

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