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Chapter Nineteen

“Iknew it!”

Chastity froze in the doorway of the bedroom. Her feet pounded, her arms ached from beating the huge Persian rug, and dust made her eyes gritty. If she had learned anything from her time as a maid, it was all the servants at her father’s house deserved an increase in pay.

And that women like Charlotte were far cleverer than anyone might realize. She waved the silk gown like a huge flag in front of Chastity.

“I just knew there was something odd about you.” Charlotte swept a hand down the creased material. “I woke up the other night and you were not in your bed and now this.” She tossed the gown, forcing Chastity to catch it and clutch it close. “You are no maid, are you?”

Chastity opened her mouth and shut it. She should have been better prepared for this but, of course, she’d been so distracted by Valentine. She’d known Charlotte had her suspicions, but she had not wanted to admit it.

Because admitting to it meant leaving.

Charlotte stepped smartly around her and shut the door, the loud thud making Chastity jolt.

“You’re the master’s mistress, are you not?” she murmured. Her expression softened. “You can tell me. I will not say a word, I swear it.” She cocked her head. “We are friends, are we not? Just tell me.”

“I…” Words failed her. She could lie. Or at least partially lie. Admit to being his mistress and stay.

“I’ve definitely seen him staring at you.” Her lips curved. “Is it love? Will you marry him? Just imagine, a serving girl and an earl. Maybe you can introduce me to a Duke.” She laughed. “Can you not see me as a duchess?” She pressed a hand to her chest and fluttered her lashes.

She closed her eyes briefly. Charlotte deserved better and maybe it was time for this to come to an end. She was no closer to finding out who had killed Mr. Harper.

Oh yes, and the word love kept fluttering about her mind like a pesky fly that she could not swat. It was certainly time to leave.

“I’m not his mistress,” she admitted.

Charlotte’s face dropped. “Then where did you get that?” She gestured to the gown bundled in her arms. “And what about the posh letters?”

Chastity sagged onto the unforgiving mattress, the ropes underneath squeaking in protest. She gnawed on the inside of her cheek. If she confessed all, she would have to leave, no matter what Charlotte said. She’d promised Valentine that any hint of scandal and she’d leave. She didn’t break promises with ease.

But how to say it?

Taking a deep breath, she glanced up at Charlotte’s expectant expression. “I am a lady.”

Charlotte narrowed her gaze then gasped. “A fallen one? Hiding from scandal?” She clapped hands to her cheeks. “Oh, do not tell me his lordship ruined you!”

Chastity gave a slight smile. “No, no. Certainly not.”

“Then whyever are you here?” Charlotte sank onto the bed next to her, her eyes wide. “I cannot believe I did not see it sooner, though. You walk with a certain air and your skin is far too nice to be that of a serving girl’s. I just put that down to you having not worked while your husband was alive.” She narrowed her gaze. “Are you even a widow?”

“I am a widow though I have been a widow for some time.”

“That still does not explain why you are here. Surely you could find work as a governess or...or a lady’s companion? Are you really so penniless?”

“I am not.”

“Then why are you here?” Charlotte repeated.

“I’m investigating the death of Mr. Harper,” she said simply.

Charlotte wrinkled her nose, brows knitting. “But why?”

Chastity twisted to face her. “Mr. Harper was killed at my father’s house and my sister was seen with him prior to his death. There are those who have painted her in an unpleasant light and continue to do so. Her reputation has been most savagely torn apart and I wished to prove who really killed Mr. Harper.”

The maid blinked a few times, her red lashes fanning across her face. “Your father’s house?” she repeated. “That would make you...” Her eyes flew wide, her cheeks staining bright red.

Rising, she stumbled upon the uneven floorboards and dropped into a curtsey so deep her nose almost touched the floor.
