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Chapter Twenty

“This is a terrible idea.” Eleanor gnawed on the end of the nail while remaining perched on the edge of the sofa. “Maybe we should cease this investigation. It has led nowhere.”

Daylight streamed in from the large window, framing her in a perfect silhouette. Today, her hair had been tied neatly though her gown bore streaks of oil from whatever she had been tinkering with. Chastity concluded that at least her sister was feeling more herself.

Demeter nodded. “I do think this might be an even worse idea than disguising yourself as a maid.” She rose from the seat next to Chastity and stopped in front of Aunt Sarah, who fussed with the thick cloak currently swirled around her shoulders and pinned with an elegant silver broach. Chosen deliberately apparently because it was not jeweled and would not draw attention.

Chastity shook her head to herself. Aunt Sarah would draw attention no matter what she wore. However, she needed someone to come with her to The Eight Bells and she had little desire to take her sisters into such a place.

Besides, her aunt reveled in a chance to be mysterious.

“Will you not be hot in that, Aunt Sarah?” Chastity asked.

She shook her head vigorously. “It is quite thin. Look.” She did a twirl, swishing the cape dramatically.

“Your presence is definitely going to be noted,” Demeter said, sharing a look with Chastity while she straightened the edges of Aunt Sarah’s cloak. “Could you not ask the earl to go?”

“We can do this ourselves.” Chastity lifted her chin.

Let her sisters think this was about pride rather than anything else. Like the fact she feared seeing him again lest she fall straight into his arms or admit to the throbbing ache being apart from him had created.

It was for the best, though. Any longer in his household and who knew what might happen? Well, nothing really would have happened, of course. She wasn’t so silly that she would do something as ridiculous as fall for the man.

However, being away from him was for the best. She had the time to dig deeper into this investigation without having to defer to Mrs. Cooke and with Charlotte on her side, she still had an ear in the house.

No. It was better they do this alone.

“We will be in there but a moment. I wish to speak to this woman who frequents there. I believe she was a, uh, in charge of Daisy Miller’s activities and will know who her…friends were.”

Eleanor rolled her eyes. “We are grown women, Chastity,” she reminded her. “We know what a madam is.”

“Do not remind me that my little sisters are grown.” She smiled. “I would rather not think on it.”

“And I am grown enough to weather this ongoing gossip.” Eleanor rose and put a hand to Chastity’s arm. “They will tire of it eventually though I am so sorry they brought John into this.”

A chill wrapped about her, like a bitter wind eating through her garments. She did not wish to think on her husband, nor the asinine drawings created about her relationship with him.

“It does not matter.” She straightened her shoulders and fixed Eleanor with a determined look. “We will find out who really did this and then those who have been gossiping about you shall look the fools indeed and shall be forced to grovel at your feet. No one messes with the Fallon girls.”

Eleanor gave a begrudging smile. “I know.”

“Shall we?” Chastity asked Aunt Sarah. “We shall not be long,” she assured her sisters. “This woman was there at this time the other week so I am certain we shall find her again.”

Grateful she had not been wrong, Chastity was horribly aware of the eyes upon them when she approached Annie. Still in her corner, still tapping her stick, it was as though she had not moved.

She ran her gaze over Chastity, her eyes narrowing. “You do not belong here this time.”

Chastity glanced down at her relatively simple and modest gown. She did indeed look more like a lady than a mistress but unlike her aunt, she did not see the value in dressing up today.

“This is my aunt—Mrs. Sarah Knighton. We were hoping to talk to you about Daisy Miller.”

“Now why would you still be interested in that poor wretch and why would you bring your aunt along to such a place?”

“Protection,” Chastity answered simply.

“I have an excellent right hook,” Aunt Sarah told the woman.

She eyed Aunt Sarah for a few moments then grinned, revealing yellowed teeth. “I bet you do.” She jerked her head toward a nearby table, where three men sat, slowly sipping their ales in silent camaraderie. “Sit and tell me why fine ladies want to know about Daisy.”
