Page 2 of Cowboy Bred

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I swallow and shift, standing. “I’m a sick bastard,” I mutter under my breath. She’s hurt. And I’m eyeing her like a hungry dog eyes a steak.

She’s also probably ten years younger than my own thirty-five. She’s not a child. She’s a woman. But it still feels wrong and yet oh so fucking right.

I need this woman like I need my next breath. Need to see her every day of my life. Need to see her round with my babies. Tie her to me for the rest of her days. Never let her go.

Lord! I sound like a fucking lunatic. I don’t know anything about her. Don’t know her full name. Her age. Where she grew up. What her family’s like. Whether there’s somebody out there I have to kill to make her mine. Because I think I fucking would. In a heartbeat.

I want to know her hopes and dreams so that I can make them come true.

She’s mine. A crazy voice whispers in my ear. This woman is mine.

She moans and her long, dark eyelashes flutter, reminding me that she’s hurt.

What the fuck’s wrong with me? I need to take care of her.

I pull out my phone and call the clinic, swearing when the damn recording picks up.

“Fuck!” I try calling Poppy, the nurse. The one that I constantly fight with about her music. Hell, if she comes out here to take care of my little babydoll, I’ll fucking blast her music myself.

It rings and rings but there’s no answer.

“Shit!” I growl and slam the button down, trying to restrain my temper. I’m two seconds from throwing this damn phone.

Instead, I call the Sheriff. He answers quickly. “What the hell is it now, Liam?” he groans. “I’m kinda busy here. If it’s about Poppy’s music again, get a pair of noise-cancelling headphones and leave me the hell alone, man! And go out and get fucked! Jesus!”

“I need help. I’m trying to get ahold of the new doc and Poppy but nobody’s answering. There’s a girl. She’s hurt.”

There’s silence on the other end of the line. “Please tell me you didn’t lose your mind and hurt some poor trespasser.”

I pull the phone away from my ear, staring at it. Then I growl and put it back up to my ear. “She had a fucking car accident. A tree fell by the road. What the hell kind of guy do you think I am?”

“I think you’re a great guy with a helluva temper,” he sighs. “How bad is she hurt?”

“I’m not sure. The airbag didn’t deploy and she hit her head. She’s been unconscious since I found her except for quick little moments where she wakes up. Not for long though.”

“Alright. Give me a minute and I’ll see if I can track down the doc. Where are you going to be?”

“I’m taking her home,” I growl, my hand clenching on the phone.

“Should you move her?” he asks, concern threading his voice.

“I’m taking her home.” Then I disconnect the call and drop the phone into my back pocket.

Slowly, gently, I slide my hands under her, cradling her limp body in my arms. Moving her out from under the cracked glass and debris, I wiggle until I’m free to stand with her. Adjusting my arms to hold her more securely. Tuck her into my heart where she belongs.

Where she’s meant to live for the rest of our lives. Mine.
