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That last part alone should have me running for the hills. I’m a good person. I have morals. What kind of hypocrite would I be if I backpedaled on those beliefs now, all for a pretty face and a well-defined body?

But, boy, is it one well-defined body… I remember having him pressed against me when he kissed me in the café like no one was watching. I wanted nothing more than to jump his bones. It’s odd to think thatthatmoment was only hours ago. It feels like so much has happened since then. None of it good.

I choose you.His voice haunts me. I can’t seem to get those three words out of my mind. Has anyone ever chosen me before? I don’t know, but I don’t think so... not anyone that I can recall anyway.

I get out of the shower, then put on an old sweatshirt and fluffy socks. Curling up under the blankets in bed, I call the one person who will never judge me. It’s three in the morning in Sydney, but I need her.

“Holly? Is everything okay?” Reilly’s sleepy voice answers.

“No. I don’t know.”

“Hold on, let me move so we don’t wake the beast.”

“Too late. What’s wrong?” Bray asks from beside her.

“It’s a sister thing. Go back to sleep, babe.” Reilly gets out of bed and exits the bedroom. I wait for her to settle herself in the kitchen. “Okay, what’s going on?”

“How did you know Bray was the one? How soon did you honestly know he was different from other guys?”

“This is about a man… A guy has you so worked up that you’re calling me at three a.m. Well, he must be something else.” Reilly smiles.

“Shut up. I shouldn’t have called. Forget I asked.”

“Wait, okay. I knew Bray was different the very first time I saw him. Although, you and I both know I tried to run like hell and get as far away from those feelings as I could.”

“Howdid you know?”

“I could feel his presence in a room before I even saw him. There was obviously an indescribable chemistry between us that I’d never felt before. I mean, the man has one hell of a magical cucumber.”

“Reilly, focus. I don’t need to hear about his pierced cucumber.”

“Right, sorry. It’s just very distracting. Anyway, I knew because when I thought of being without him, my heart hurt. Just like I know yours is right now. What happened?”

“You wouldn’t believe me if I told you. It’s just crazy… I’ve only known T for two days, but I feel this weird connection I’ve never felt before. It’s different from our twin thing.”

“So, why are you fighting it? Is it a limp dick or something?”

“No, well, actually… I don’t know but I doubt it. He kissed me today, and I could feel that kiss everywhere.”

“Again, what’s wrong then?”

“I don’t know if I should trust him. If I should let myself be vulnerable to him breaking my heart. If I feel this bad after two days, how will I feel if in a week or a month, he changes his mind and finds someone better?”

“You are Holly fucking Reynolds. There is no one better than you. If he breaks your heart, I’ll break his stupidly handsome face.”

“Itisstupidly handsome, isn’t it? A man shouldn’t be allowed to be that good looking, right?”


“Thanks, Reilly. Go back to bed. Sorry I called at such a ridiculous time.”

“Holly, you can call me at any time. I will always answer for you. If you need me, you know I’ll be on the first plane over.”

“I know. I love you.”

“Not nearly as much as I love you, sister.”

I disconnect the call and the tears fall again. I miss my twin. I miss my old life. My friends. But I can’t go back to all that and wonderwhat would have been. Darkness is starting to seep into the room, and I can’t seem to stop crying. I’m going to end up with ugly puffy eyes tomorrow. I need to try to get some sleep.
