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Am I that much of a pushover? I’d like to think not. But he sure does have a way of talking me into anything.

If I really think about it though, I want to go with him. I don’t like when we part ways during the day or night so he can go to work. I get he has a big load. And right now, with what’s going on in his family, it’s even heavier. But he still manages to set aside time for me. If I can make it a little bit easier on him by going and spending the day working from his office, then I’ll do it. On the other hand, I’m not so sure I’ll get much done when he’s around; he’s so bloody distracting. I’d be lying if I said seeing him in boss mode, the few times I’ve been at his office for lunch, isn’t a huge turn-on.

* * *

“Maria, move the meeting with Carlo to the boardroom.” T’s voice brings me out of my own thoughts. Surprisingly, I’ve managed to block him out, mostly, and concentrate on the lesson plans I’ve been writing up.

“Mr. Valentino, there is currently a meeting in progress with the advertising department in the boardroom.”

“Fuck, well, find another room to accommodate us. My office is unavailable for the rest of today. If there are any other meetings scheduled in here, move them.” He presses the button on the intercom, not waiting for a reply.

Maria is his lovely secretary, who has to be in her sixties at least. She doesn’t deserve to be yelled at—the poor lady. How Theo manages to keep any staff with the way he acts is beyond me. I may have visited briefly during our previous lunches, but spending the entire day with him is a different story. His employees definitely respect him out of fear and not because of his manners.

“You know, I can leave if you need to have meetings in here. I don’t mind.” I stand and walk over to the little kitchenette area and boil the kettle.

“You’re not leaving. Trust me, I want you in here more than I want anyone else who may have been scheduled.”

“Okay.” I place a tea bag in a cup and wait for the water to boil.

“You’re making tea? You don’t drink tea,” he comments, without looking away from his computer screen.

“It’s for Maria. You could try talking to her a little nicer, you know. It’s not her fault you changed your plans today.” The kettle whistles and I pour the water in, followed by milk. I grab a muffin off the counter and place it on the tray.

“The paycheck I pay her is plenty nice enough. You shouldn’t be making my staff tea, Holly. That’s what I pay them to do.”

“Well, Iammaking her tea, and I’m taking her this muffin too.” Theo stares at me with a look I can’t decipher painted across his face. “What?” I ask.

“Nothing. It’s just different.” He shrugs.

“What’s different?”

“Having someone tell me no, or totally disregarding what I’ve said and doing what they want anyway. No one ever really does that. Well, no one who’s lived to tell the story anyway.”

“You know, sometimes I forget you’re meant to be this big bad boss, then you go and say shit like that, and I remember. Should I fear for my own safety? Worry that I’ll end up at the bottom of the East River wearing cement shoes, if I don’t do as you say?”

Theo stands and walks over, caging me in against the cupboards. “I’d never hurt a hair on this pretty little head of yours, Holly. Ever. I don’t want you to ever be afraid of me.” He leans in and kisses my forehead.

Forehead kisses are like my kryptonite. I just melt into a puddle at his feet whenever he does that. “Good, then expect to be hearing the wordnofor the rest of your life.”

“I look forward to it.” He laughs as he returns to his desk and sits down.

I carry the tray with the tea and muffin out to Maria. “Hi, Maria. Here, have a break. I’m sorry Theo’s so short today. He’s dealing with a lot.”

“Oh, sweetheart, you don’t need to apologize for him. I’m used to it. What’s all this?” she asks, pointing to the tray.

“Tea—and a muffin. For you.”

“You made me tea?” She looks around the quiet office space. Following her gaze, I notice a few other women staring at our interaction.

“I did. But if you don’t like tea, I can make you coffee or a cold drink?” I’m getting nervous with all the glares directed my way. I guess I didn’t think this through very well.

“No, I like tea. Thank you, Miss Reynolds. I… just thank you.” She nods her head.

“You’re welcome. Again, I’m sorry he was so short with you.”

“Miss Reynolds, you’re a breath of fresh air. Thank you—again.”

I walk back into the office. Theo is standing in front of his desk, his hands in his pockets and his legs crossed at the ankles. He’s lost his jacket and tie, and folded the sleeves of his white dress shirt up to his elbows. The collar is unbuttoned, showing off that smooth, tanned skin.
