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Theo smiles—a real smile—the kind that reaches his eyes. “I can handle myself. He wouldn’t have killed me. There are rules, and killing another Don is a big fucking no-go.”

“You’re burying your father on the weekend, T. Someone obviously didn’t care much for your rules.”

“You’re right. But that was different,” he says, not making eye contact.

“Theo, who killed your father?” I’ve had my suspicions, but I’d never voice them.

“I can’t tell you that, Holly. You can’t ask me questions like that. I don’t ever want to lie to you, but that? I can’t tell you that.”

“Was it Lana?” I probe and watch as his eyes twitch.

“What makes you think it was Lana?”

“Just a hunch. I’m the quiet observer. I’m usually good at reading people. And with the way you flinch every time someone mentions her name…” I shrug. “I just figured something had to have happened.”

“You need to keep these observations to yourself, Holly. Do not ever talk to anyone other than me.About anything. Understand?’


“I need you to promise me something,” he says.


“Promise that no matter what happens, you won’t leave. Promise that no matter how much you may not like or agree with my decisions, you’ll remember that I fucking love you more than anything else in this world. Everything I do is to protect you. Promise you won’t forget that.”

“Okay, I promise.” I’ve noticed he asks this a lot of me, especially when he is feeling out of control. These verbal declarations seem to ease his distress, so I will give them as often as he needs to hear them.

* * *

“No! Theo, no, I can’t do this.” All those promises suddenly make sense. “You must have had one too many knocks to the bloody head—you’re literally insane.This is insane. Neo, tell him it’s insane.” I pace up and down Theo’s office, briefly stopping at the bar to pour myself a shot of tequila, before continuing the repetitive, anxiety-induced movements.

“Sorry, Holly, it has to be done.” Neo shrugs.

“Holly, dolcezza, you agreed to marry me just this morning. This is not insane,” Theo says calmly.

“I thought I was agreeing to an engagement.A long engagement. To planning a wedding that I could have my family here to witness. You want me to just sign a bunch of documents—and poof—we’re married as of two days ago?”

“You can still plan your dream wedding; you will still have everything you want. I will make sure your family is there for it. I’ll make sure you get to have your father walk you down the aisle. Dolcezza, you can still have all of that. This is just a formality—it means you’re mine. It makes you family. It makes you the fucking queen. It makes you untouchable.”

“My father?” I laugh. “Really, have you listened to anything I’ve said? Ever? My father’s in prison for at least another ten years. Are you suggesting we wait a decade for thisdream wedding?” I counter, using finger quotes to stress my point.

“We won’t be waiting a decade. Your father will be out by the end of the month, Holly.” Theo speaks as if it’s fact.

What? He doesn’t know what he’s talking about. There is no way my father’s getting out early.This early.

I shake my head no. “I don’t know what kind of sick game you’re trying to play, but that’s not funny, Theo.” I pack my laptop in my bag, collect my phone from the table, and glance back at Neo and Theo, who are looking at me like I’m a deranged cat—held above the bath water—but not yet ready to dive in. Speaking of… “I’m going home. I need a shower and to get some sleep.” I turn on my heel and start towards the door. Theo is two steps ahead of me. He’s always bloody two steps ahead of me. He pauses in front of the door, blocking my exit. “Move,” I say more fiercely than evenIthought I was capable.

“No. I can’t let you walk out of here, Holly. Not by yourself, and not before you sign those papers.”

I laugh. If he thinks he can intimidate me into a marriage contract—well, actually, he probably could. But that doesn’t mean I have to make it easy for him. I storm over and plop myself on the couch, folding my arms over my chest. I raise my eyebrow at him. Theo comes and squats in front of me. He’s either stupid or really bloody brave. Because, with the way he’s squatting, my foot has a direct path to his balls. It’s itching to kick up and give him what for, but then I remember I might actually want babies with this asshole someday.

My mind is all over the bloody place. I should call Reilly—she’ll calm me down. She always knows what to do. Usually... The only thing is: I can’t tell her that I’ve gone and fallen in love with an asshole mob boss, who is insisting on marrying me and making me his queen.

“Holly, I’m sorry. I am fucking sorry it has to be this way. Believe me when I say that I want you to have the world. I want you to have everything you’ve ever dreamed of.And more. But most of all, I want you fucking safe. I need you safe.”

Well, he started off good. “I’m not safe though, am I? I was just approached in the lobby ofyourbuilding by what looks to be one ofyour enemies, all whileyourmen—who were meant to be following me formy protection—stood there and did nothing.”

“And they will be dealt with. I swear to you: they won’t get the opportunity to make that mistake again.”
