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It’s New York. These fuckers like to talk. Well, when I’m not questioning them about Neo Valentino, that is. Any other subject, and they’re like a living, breathing Wikipedia of information. Show them a pretty smile and a bit of cleavage and they can’t stop their tongues from wagging. And worse-case scenario, if that method doesn’t work, breaking their fingers usually does the trick.

I’ve spent all day questioning everyone connected to the Valentino family in any small way. I even took the time to visit Helena at her café. Although, all that got me was a lecture about how worried Neo was and how I shouldn’t have just left his house the way I did. I’m guessing he already called her. I do feel bad. I should have called him at the very least. And I should check in on Izzy, considering I’ve been out here all day. Instead, I went and bought a dress, so I could hit up a bar to try to get more intel. This will be my last stop. Afterwards, I’ll go pick up Neo’s car, which I left in a parking garage, and head back to his place.

I enter one of the bars known to cater to the Valentino soldiers. It’s run by Mario Vinciti, an associate of the family. As soon as he sees me, his eyes widen. “Miss Donatello, I really hope you’re here to have a drink and not to cause trouble with the clientele,” he says as I take a seat at the end of the bar. My back to the wall, I have a perfect view of all entry points.

“Mario, you do flatter me so. When have I ever caused trouble around these parts?” I flash him a bright smile.

“You’re tricks won’t work on me,bella. You know what happened the last time you visited. Let’s try not to have a repeat.” He’s referring to two weeks ago when I came looking for info on Neo. I was frustrated as hell that no one would talk. And I may have accidentally dropped a knife through an associate’s hand. Then my gun may have touched his forehead before my fingers accidentally squeezed the trigger a little harder than I intended.

“That was an accident, Mario. And I cleaned up the mess, didn’t I?” I ask, looking around the pristine bar. When I sayclean, what I really mean is I put a call in to my father and had him arrange for cleaners. Let’s just say I haven’t made a reappearance since that night.

“If that’s the kind of accident you have, let’s put a safety vest on you, sweetheart. Because you are a danger to my patrons.”

“Not if they comply,” I counter. Besides, the guy Iaccidentlyshot deserved it. He called me names I won’t repeat. Said some very interesting things he wanted to do to me—things I didn’t appreciate. I may use my good looks to get what I want, but that doesn’t mean I’ll accept being treated like anything less than a lady.

Unless it’s when Neo is ramming his cock into me. In that instance, I don’t mind being his little plaything. Because I know he always makes sure I come, multiple times, before he does. That’s how you treat someone like a lady in the bedroom. Or the kitchen. Or living room.

“What are you drinking?” Mario asks, drawing my attention from the more salacious memories.

“Ah, we’re in Manhattan, right? Give me a Manhattan,” I tell him. I would put some cash on the bar if I thought it would be accepted. The problem with people knowing who I am is that they start treating me like I’m actual royalty. Though I guess, in the mafia world, I sort of am. I much prefer when people don’t know me. I like going in undetected, hiding in plain sight or beneath the shadows of the darkness.

“What brings a beautiful woman like you to a place like this?” My quiet thoughts are interrupted when a self-inflated thug sits himself down next to me. Judging by his suit, I’d say he’s high enough up the chain of command to think he’s someone important. But he’s not.

“Isn’t it obvious?” I ask.


“Waiting for my boyfriend to show up, of course.” I smile.

The fucker looks around. “I don’t see any boyfriend. If you were mine, I would never leave you sitting here all by yourself.”

“It’s a good thing I’ll never be yours then. Because I happen to like sitting here by myself.”

“What the fuck did you just say to me, bitch?” The slimy fucker spits as he seethes.

“I said:I will never be yours.” My smile widens. I’m waiting for it. The hit. The backhand. The sudden slap across the face. He even raises an arm to do so. Except he doesn’t get the opportunity to follow through, when his hand is grabbed midair, and then I hear the unmistakable sound of snapping bones.

“Impressive,” I tell my brother over the fucker’s screams. Bet he’s going to regret sitting next to me. Theo glares in my direction, like I’m a nuisance. I guess I have been leaving a trail of messes behind me today.

Although I didn’t break anyone’s bones… yet. I just politely explained to them how I would rip their tongues out and shove them up their asses if I didn’t get the information I needed.

“Shut the fuck up, Benny. Did you really think you’d get away with hitting on my fucking sister? Or raising a hand to her?” Theo snarls.

So this is Benny. Shit, maybe I should have been nicer. I thought Neo told me Benny and Renzo were just foot soldiers. Why would a foot soldier be wearing a five-thousand-dollar suit?

“Benny, is it?” I ask him, lowering myself to his level on the ground.

He glances from my brother, back to me, then to Theo again. “I didn’t know you had a sister, boss. Swear I didn’t mean nothing by it,” he pleads.

“Benny, look at me. Don’t worry about him, because I can assure you I’m worse.” I take hold of his broken wrist and squeeze. The guy cries out like a toddler cutting his first tooth. “Tell me where I can find your friend Renzo, and I’ll let you walk out of here like we never met.” His eyes widen and he shakes his head. “No? You won’t tell me? Are you sure you don’t want to change your mind?” Again he gestures his refusal. “Okay then. Wait right there for me, darling.”

Pushing to my feet, I come face-to-face with an angry—albeit amused—Theo Valentino.

“Brother dearest, I’m going to need a basement or a warehouse. Somewhere soundproof preferably.”

“Anything for you, princess.” With a flick of his wrist, two men approach from the shadows. “Get him in the car. We’re going for a ride.” Once the soldiers have exited, Theo takes hold of my hand. “Come on. This better be quick, Angelica. I’ve got shit to do tonight and babysitting you wasn’t on my list.”

Yanking my hand free from his, I allow my rage to surface. “Fuck off, T. I don’t need a babysitter. You can just move along and pretend you didn’t see me.”
