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“It wasn’t, but it’s okay.” She runs into the house. I’m about to chase after her, but Angelica pulls me back.

“She’s fine here, Neo. This is her family.” Her words do nothing to calm the unease I have in the pit of my stomach when she disappears around the corner.

Seconds later, she materializes hand in hand with Donatello. “Papa, look! I found Nonno for you. Now you can have your meeting, then come pet my ponies.”

“I see that, Bel.”

“Papa?” Donatello says aloud. Neither Angelica nor I answer his unspoken question.

“Papa, it’s good to see you. I’m going to take Izzy out for a ride while you two catch up. Be nice,” Angelica warns each of us.

“Where will you be?” I ask, looking around. There’s no way to view outside from my current position in the foyer. I won’t be able to see where they’re headed. “Are you sure you don’t want to wait here. This meeting won’t take long. Then we can go see the ponies together.”

“I’m sure we’ll be fine. Come on, Izzy.”

I can’t do anything but stand here and watch Angelica and Izzy disappear towards the back of the estate. I don’t like not being able to see them. I don’t know the assholes in this house. I don’t know how safe the boundaries of the property are. Fuck.

Donatello’s laugh echoes through the foyer. “It never gets any easier—thatI can guarantee you. Follow me.” I trail behind him through the large over-the-top mansion. I’m expecting to be taken to his office, but he leads me to a back deck instead. “I assume I’ll have more of your attention if you can at least see that they’re fine.” He points to where Angelica and Izzy are walking across the lawn.

I nod, happy with this turn of events. “Right, well, let’s get this shit done,” I say, taking a seat. “Sir,” I add out of respect.

“Neo, what exactly are your intentions with my daughter?”

“I’m keeping her. I don’t haveintentionsto do anything. I will be doing it.”

“You’re keeping her?” He laughs.

“That’s what I said.”

“And what does she think of this plan of yours?”

“She’s on board.”

“My daughter is not a fan of this lifestyle, Neo. She’s always been looking for a way out. I’m not convinced that she wants to be kept by the underboss of the Valentino Family.”

“I’m aware of what she wants for her future.”

“And you’re what…? Going to run away with her? You’ll get yourselves killed.”

“Have you ever been in love?” I ask him.

“Yes,” he answers.

“Then you should know that you’ll do anything for the woman you love.”

He nods his head and silently observes me. I don’t let my internal struggle manifest outwardly. I don’t show that I’m fucking anxious as shit, sitting down with the father of the woman I plan to marry.

“I only ask of you one thing,” he says finally. “Take care of her—of both of them. And if it comes down to it, come to me first. Don’t go off on any half-assed plan to escape. Because we both know there isn’t one.”

“Okay.” I look over to the sheds and see Angelica walk out with Izzy on top of a pony. Angelica unclips a rope and Izzy starts trotting away. The property backs on to the woodlands. When Izzy edges towards the tree line, I stand. “Should she be going out that far?” I ask.

Donatello glances at her. “She knows how far she can go. She’ll turn around in a minute.”

Except she doesn’t. I watch as she slows the pony’s trot, but she continues heading into the woods. “What is she doing?”

“Vai fuori adesso!” Donatello yells, and at least fifteen soldiers sprint towards the back of the property.

“Izzy, stop!” I shout, as the Donatello foot soldiers rush in her direction. Angelica is running towards her now too. I watch, helpless to do anything, as a pair of arms reaches out and snatches her from the saddle. The pony gallops off in the opposite direction. “Fuck! Izzy!”
