Page 1 of There Is No Love

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Alora Age 6

IknewIwould be in trouble if I was caught, but I didn't care. I snuck around the corner up to Daddy's office door. He was supposed to take me dress shopping today but was busy with work. He was always busy with work. I pushed my ear up to the door, trying to listen. Max was pawing at my back and whimpering. I turned around, whispering, "Max shhh. You'll get us both into trouble." He laid down next to me. I pushed my ear harder to the door.

"Marco, just take care of it! Get rid of his errand boy. If the Rossi outfit wants to play games, then we will play. Stefano thinks he reigns king, well we will play the long game. He will regret the day he crossed Gabriele Volante!"

"I'll take care of it," Marco replied.

I heard footsteps. Quickly, I scooped Max up and moved toward the stairs. Laughing as he jumped up, licking my face.

I heard a sigh behind me. "Alora, you are not supposed to be down here."

I quickly set Max down. Marco looked at me, he seemed mad. But he seemed mad a lot. Everyone around here was always mad.

I looked up at him and smiled. "I know, but daddy said he'd take me dress shopping today. I was just waiting for him to get done."


I turned towards the voice, my dad stood there tall and scary as he always was. He looked down at me shaking my head. “ I have business to take care of today. I can’t take you."

"But daddy, you promised." I tried hard not to cry, daddy hated it when I cried. But a tear escaped, rolling down my cheek.

He sighed, crossing his arms to his chest. "Big girls don’t cry. Volantes don’t cry over silly dresses. Wipe your face and stop pouting."

I quickly wiped my cheek, straightening my back. "Yes, daddy."

"Now go play."

"Okay. I love you, daddy."

"Alora, there is no love in our world. The sooner you learn that the better." He turned and slammed the door behind him.

I scooped Max up and turned to Marco.

"Come on." Marco gestured up the stairs. "Let's go find Elena. Did you ditch her again?"

I frowned. "I asked her to play hide and seek, but I came here instead."

"Alora you cannot be sneaking around, especially down here. No more, okay?" He snapped at me.

"Okay, Unc."

"I mean it, Alora. Promise me."

"I promise." I crossed my fingers underneath Max.

He shook his head as we got up to the first floor but smiled at me.

Elena came running over. "Alora, did you go down to the basement again?" She shook her head and looked at Marco. "I am sorry, she was supposed to stay on the second floor and hide."

Marco looked at her. "Just try harder. Gabriele was not happy when he walked out and saw her."

Elena grabbed my hand. "I will do better." She dragged me up the other staircase and into my room. "You cannot go into the basement. Why do you make me keep telling you this? You will get us both into trouble."

"I'm sorry." I frowned sitting down on the bed. "I wanted to wait for daddy to take me dress shopping." I could feel tears welling up. "But he is too busy."

She sat down next to me, pulling me into her chest. "I am sorry my sweet girl. Your daddy is a very busy and important man." She looked down at me wiping my tears.

"I am not supposed to cry. It makes daddy mad when I cry."
