Page 15 of There Is No Love

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Arturo shook his head. “I don’t know, Stefano wouldn't tell me. All he said was that I better have you there by six o’clock. And he looked worried.”

“Me? What the hell does The Consortium want with me? Maximo, what is going on?”

Maximo looked in his rearview mirror at me, then back at the road.

“Fuck, just tell me.”

“Your dad will kill me if I tell you.”

“Damnit, Maximo. I’ll act surprised. What the hell is it?”

Maximo sighed and shook his head. “Sorry, not this time. I can’t.”

I looked at my brother. “Do you have any idea?”

He shook his head. “No, but some guy is going around knocking people off. Taking out higher-ups in the families, and The Consortium wants to put a stop to it. That was what the meeting was about last week. Maybe it has something to do with that.”

I shook my head. “But what could I possibly have to do with that? Maximo, have you ever heard of them calling in sons of sitting members before?”

Max shook his head. “Once, a long time ago, when we were just kids.” He pulled into the airport, and up to the plane. “Your dad is already in Alboreville, he will meet you there.”

We climbed out and boarded the plane. The pilot gave us a nod, shut the door, and quickly fired up the plane. We both sat there in silence as the plane roared down the runway, taking flight. Carly, the pretty blond who was always on these flights, brought us both a glass of scotch. I gave her a smile and wink, taking it. She smiled back and disappeared into the back. I took a sip and stared out at the horizon as the sun started to set. “Feels like something big, doesn't it?”

He swirled his glass around, staring at it, then looked up at me. “Yeah, it does.”

“You and me against the world?”

He nodded. “Always, no matter what. La Famiglia è Tutto.”

We both stayed pretty quiet the rest of the way. A black SUV was waiting for us when we landed. Dario stood at the back door, opening it when we approached. Stefano was sitting there, mom at his side. I tried to hide the shock on my face at seeing her. She never came to meetings like this, unless there was a seat change. Which I was pretty sure was not happening. “Mom,” I leaned in and kissed her cheek, taking the seat across from her, “what are you doing here?”

“Your father said I needed to be here.”

Arturo kissed her cheek, taking the seat next to me.

I looked at him, sitting next to her. “What's going on? Why are we all going to this meeting?”

He looked mad, agitated. “This was out of my hands. Vigo himself had requested this. You will accept the terms he sets forth when we get to this meeting, without question do you hear me?”

I looked at mom, ah, this is why she was here. He knew as long as mom was around, Arturo and I would keep our cool. “What terms?”

He looked at me for a moment, as if he was sizing me up, measuring me. He had been giving me that look my entire life, it no longer intimidated me like it used to. I was no longer scared of him. “You will see.”

We drove across the city. The city is owned by Gabriele Volante. Our enemy. We had learned all that we could over the years. Apparently, at one time Gabriele and Stefano were close, like brothers. Something happened with a woman, a woman Gabriele married and had a child with. The rumors say Gabriele stole her from Stefano and this feud began. We didn't know if that was the truth or just rumors. But one thing we did know, we hated the Volante’s and they hated us. They had killed our men and we had killed more of theirs. And I saw nothing that pointed to this feud ever ending.

I had seen Gabriele once, on a trip here to his city. I was following some leads on Charlie's whereabouts that lead me here. He was at a restaurant, having a meeting from the looks of it. You could tell he was a man that people feared, a man that did carry an air of power when he walked. But he didn’t scare me, I didn’t fear men. I had seen the worst of mankind, there was nothing left to fear anymore.

We pulled up to the huge skyscraper building, with windows from the first floor to the top. The four of us got out and made our way inside. I looked around the lobby. It was very fancy. Couches and chairs spread around, a bar and restaurant to the far right. We walked up to a desk, where an older man and a man probably mid-twenties like me, stood. The older gentleman looked at Stefano and nodded. “Your weapons please?” The other guy came, and Stefano handed his weapons to him.

Arturo and I looked at one another, then at Stefano.

“I assure you, they will be right here waiting after your visit.” The old man gave us a half smile. “No weapons are allowed while at The Consortium.”

“Hand over your weapons.” Stefano huffed. “You two know there are no weapons when The Consortium meets.”

We both handed our weapons over, then loaded onto the elevator. It opened to the twentieth floor. We walked to a door, guards all outside, into a huge conference room. Vigo Agusti sat at the far end, at the head. Several other men were sitting in the other chairs. Another smaller table stood off to the side, men sitting around it as well. Valentino gave mom, Arturo, and me a smile as we walked by. Vigo looked at Stefano, giving him a nod. We made our way towards the head of the table, Vigo stood up and grabbed mom's hand. “Voralie, you look as beautiful as ever.”

She smiled at him. “Vigo, it has been too long. How are you?”
