Page 61 of There Is No Love

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IwatchedasLuka danced with his mom, laughing about something. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. I couldn’t stop thinking about last night, about the way I felt. The way my body seemed to fully let go and pull in all at the same time. The shaking in my legs as I walked to the bathroom after, and the throbbing that rocked my body as I tried to fall asleep. Michael had left me unsatisfied many times, but not every time. However, the times I had felt satisfied were nothing like this, not even comparable. The ache still lingered there. But when he told me he wanted to rip my dress off, and then proceeded to tell me to be a good girl, the ache turned into need.

“Did you hear me?”

I jerked my head, looking up at Arturo. Great, I'm getting all hot and bothered thinking about him, while I am in his brother's arms dancing.

“Sorry what?”

“Don’t hurt my brother.”

“What are you going on about?”

“He’s falling for you.”

I looked over at Luka, he had a big smile on his face as he twirled his mom in a circle, then pulled her back. He turned and looked at me. His smile changing to something more mischievous, he winked. I shook my head looking up at Arturo. “He is not.”

“He is, and if you hurt him, I am going to hold you personally responsible.”

“I told him not to catch feelings. I am never going to love him, never going to have feelings for him.” I turned, looking at him laughing with his mom, happy. I swallowed, trying to push down the lump building up in my throat. “I can’t. He needs to reign it in. He told you this is over once we give Vigo what he wants, right?” Arturo nodded. I rolled my eyes. “Well, then he needs to accept that reality.”

“He's right, you do roll your eyes a lot.”

I looked up at him, they did look very similar. Luka had seven inches on me, Arturo had nine or ten. Arturo was colder, rougher, and not as carefree as Luka. They were very different. “Look I know you’re playing big brother; I get it. But I have made it very clear to him from the start what is going to happen.”

Arturo nodded. “I understand that, but I don't think he does.”

“Well, what am I supposed to do about that?”

“Why not give him a chance? What is the worst that could happen?”

I looked at him again, asking myself that question. What's the worst that could happen? “I can’t. You don't understand, I am not capable of loving him, or anyone for that matter. It’s not in me. It’s not part of my makeup.”

He looked down at me, stepping back and pulling his hands away. “Well, that is too bad.” He turned and walked back towards our table, and I followed.

We sat down, and a gentleman walked over. He had to be in his late thirties, maybe. Arturo stood up, offering his hand. “Elio how are you?”

“I am good, how are you?”

“Good. This is,” Arturo looked at me hard, “Well I guess she is my sister-in-law. Alora.”

I held my hand out to him, “nice to meet you.”

Elio turned to me. “Pleasure is all mine,” he grabbed my hand by my fingers, bringing it to his lips, kissing my knuckles. He pulled away and looked at me as he laid his other hand on top of mine. “You do look so much like your mother,” he laughed, shaking his head.

I nodded. “That is what everyone tells me.”

Luka and Voralie walked up. Elio turned, pulling Voralie into a hug. “Miss Vora, it's been too long.”

She smiled as they pulled away, resting a hand on his cheek. “It has, sweetheart. How are you?”

He nodded, shaking Luka’s hand. “I am good. Dad is here and ,speak of the devil.” He took a seat. Luka quickly walked around, taking the seat next to me.

An older gentleman walked up, he looked to be more like Elio’s older brother. He pulled Voralie into a hug. She smiled. “I didn’t think you were here much anymore.”

“Oh, I still like to come in every once in a while, check in on my son, and see how he is running things.” The man smiled. Something about his smile made the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. He looked down at me. “And who is this beautiful woman?”

Luka put his arm around my shoulder. “This is my wife, Alora.”
